I think I have made it a well established fact that I do not watch Oprah often. Sure I may see the first few lines of the rebroadcast they have on my local station at 2 a.m. just as my eyes are closing and my mind is drifting away.. but other than that, nope. I am not in her book club. I do not subscribe to her magazine. I AM NOT A FAN OF DR. PHIL. Why? No reason.. I just haven't caught the O Fever like I see so many have. I really do enjoy her acting.. one of my fav movies is The Color Purple. I am real happy she does so much for those who are disadvantaged but I also think she benefits from that publicity also. She is a reporter/talkshow host.. and we all know how I view reporters " ) But I don't know her heart, that is for God to judge.
Anyway.. My friend Amy called me yesterday afternoon asking if I had seen Oprah today. You should have heard me laugh.. how well does Amy know me by now?? I ofcourse said nope.. I let the kids have the TV during the day pretty much. She was going on this rant about something Cameron Diaz had said and went into how the show was all about getting women to vote and how slanted it was and obvious that they was backing in unspoken terms, the Democratic Party. (AMY REALLY SHOULD HAVE HER OWN BLOG LOL) Ofcourse I answered back how I wish I had seen it so I could complain about it too lol but from her description it did seem a tad unfair not to have both sides represented. Shame on you O.. Someone should e-mail her I was telling Amy. I told Amy I would watch the rebroadcast and most likely would do a post about it if it was warranted for me to blow off steam. So here we go...
"All Star Cast to get you off your ass to vote" Oprah.
For one I do not like Hollywood telling me I should or should not vote for any particular person.. But it is nice they did register all these ppl who may have not got off their duffs to do it. Will they go out and vote now they are registered? The numbers will tell in Nov. I guess. And to give credit they did not mention any one candidate who they back but they did raise some issues they felt strongly about.. and if you follow the political agendas you know who they are likely voting for.
Drew was plugging her documentary that is to air on MTV that she took a year to make about politics. She, like many young Americans (Drew your 28 you are almost out of that category ya know lol jk) has never followed it and had not voted. She claims it was because it was not something talked about in her home life so she didn't care until later. And I can see that, true enough... Politics wasn't talked about much unless you included my dad bashing the President and calling him a Jack Ass.. did he go into why he was a JA.. NO.. lol and that was about Reagan, Bush and Clinton.. so no political lines was instilled in me folks. I do recall seeing Clinton on MTV and that was one of the deciding factors in me casting a vote for him when he ran the second term and I was 18. But I also recall taking government class when I was trying to finish up my credits to graduate. It was kind of an independent study thing and I got as deep as I could get with just the text book and the library to go off of.. I was not net savvy at the time. I did learn the org. of the political parties and I knew about the Electoral College.. I had to present in class and I used diagrams and transparencies lol I do recall impressing on my fellow class mates that Voting is your voice and don't you dare complain about how things are run unless you have voted.. This is when they was taking away the welfare in Wis and starting a that thing called Welfare to Work Program. Our teachers had us all in a tissy about it. But I digress...
Can someone tell me what a "Repressed Voter" is??? ONE THAT DOESN'T VOTE! You cannot blame anyone but them who choose not to use that freedom, that choice on who is elected to represent their needs in our goverment. at all levels. A very good point was made was that Politicians only listen to those who vote, those are the ones who get them there and they are accountable to. WOMEN.. did you know 40 million of us DID NOT vote in the last election??? If every women who is qualified votes in this election, it would decide the whole shebang! I bet Susan B. Anthony could have never dreamed of us having that much power in America! Scary if we all get PMS that day huh! Just kidding, I know that was BAD.
Next up was Cameron Diaz.. Oh she had passion and even used scare tactics to try and get us interested. Tears even. I don't blame her, if I truly believed if we don't vote then they will legalize RAPE, I would be crying too.. but come on girl! Telling ppl bull is not going to get the job done, well maybe.. People believe anything Celbs. have to say these days. And then she went into her "moment" of despair because we are viewed sooo poorly around the World these days.. we are going to be all alone.. Here honey.. take a tissue. I would rather be all alone in this world standing up for right than have all the nations love us for toting the status quo and letting thousands of others die and perhaps our own security be more in jeopardy. We don't need the World, The World NEEDS US and they hate that fact so they try and tear us down to their level. Ya I know.. One World.. we should eventually have One Government for us all.. Less probs right.. ya and you will have less of that voice of representation and give sovernty over to others.
Christina was on next with her lovely new hairdo. She was the women on the streets getting ppl to register in LA. One guy said I will do ANYTHING YOU TELL ME TO! Nice.. Christian's big issue was Women's Shelters and funding was being taken way for that. Her mother was in that situation so she was raised in that environment.. I feel ya girl! That is terrible.. NO WOMEN should have to live like that! I do believe there should be places to go for help and it would be nice if Government could kick in some dollars for it. But.. We cannot cry about balancing the budget and give to every cause out there too. How much money do you make Christina? With just 10% of that I am sure you could fund many, many homes and keep them running for along time. If we has private citizens would do more to help, instead of demanding our government to fund everything with our taxes and mismanage it too, then we would be sooooo much better off. I know if I had to pay less in taxes I would have more money to give to causes I believed in and they wouldn't probably fair better than what ever measly crumb the US government would give them and they could decide how to run it themselves without being told how to do this or that. Can you tell I am for less government?? Sorry to sound cold or sarcastic. But it is my money! Let me choose who gets it from me!
Mr. P-Diddy! Who tried sooooo hard to convince the one women who said she would think about it after the show to register.. bribing her even.. lol Yep sex sells everything. But I did like his piece he did and how he pointed out most of the politicians speak in circles and sound bites. Sooo true! I want one of those T-shirts too! VOTE OR DIE is his slogan. we do have a say so in our future!
I would say this was a good show for the most part. Some of those who are not educated about why it is so important to Vote may have got some good info. I didn't see it too slanted but there was an unbalance there for sure.
Really People.. If you are not registered and Can.. go do so.. AND VOTE! Put up or Shut up as they say! Oct 5th is the cut off date for registration.. mine is done.. how about yours?
Oh and also a Repressed Voter is also ONE who doesn't bother deciding what they believe and find out what candidate best follows their wants and needs! So research. Don't just take the news blerps and sound bites given!
BTW.. I am registered as a non partisan. I see a lot of myself in the Rep. and some in the Dem. But I know the issues I feel very strongly on and what ever candidate fits that best gets my vote. Not every one who claims to be of one party or the other follows the party's line..