Sunday, May 3, 2009

The weekend recap

I had a meeting at Central Office for work Friday. The nurse on staff is flipping out about the swine flue and MERSA and stocked us up on these masks and gloves and hand sterilizer. Gloves, yes, hand sterilizer, yes.. but this mask LMBO!!! Can you imagine me walking into your house with one of these on? I would think this would scare ppl more than anything.. If they are sick.. I am not going in and if I am sick... I am not going out anywhere. But yes as far as I am up to date with the news there have been 2 cases in Missouri reported but none near me. I do hear these masks are all the new fashion rage in New York.. where the virus has the most reporting in the country. In all honesty I think the virus is smaller then what this mask would hold out.

Me And My Old Many on my cell phone camera. Yes I love him even if he is starting to get big scary with where his wild imagination is taking him. If he keeps it up I don't know how much I can keep laughing it off and start to get real pissed off.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm!! wish I could of ate the whole plate my neighbors made of these yummy chocolates. The desire is there but my tummy is unwilling.

You may see the handsome fly teenager going off to the dance.. I still see my baby boy 3yrs old running around yelling his head off "I'm the Bam Bamm" I tried not to cry as he was getting ready or be too embarrassing. You know I embarrass him with any innocent comment and am rezined to not even ask how the dance went or how many girls he danced with or any of the natural questions you would ask.

And that's the weekend recap with pictures!

We were able to get the van back but its still a mess. Josh left tonight for out of town and I am determined to get this house all together for his mother. She should be here this time next week. And this time next week I will have missed my sis's baby shower and Mother's Day with my mom. They are still trying to convince me to come up even if they get me a ride and pay for it but it just isn't going to happen. *insert big pout here*