Monday, December 22, 2003

I hope he loves it Like I did.

Freedom of the blank PageFinaly got all my Shopping done. Well almost lol we still have to get stuff for the dinners.  Amist my shopping frenzey this weekend I found the most lovely thing, I had to get it for my son.  It was a hard wood cover journal, heirloom quality it said on the package.  My son is only 9yrs old and may not be ready for such  a nice journal but I had to get it for him.  I got my first diary for Christmas when I was not much older than him and look where we are today lol a public journal.  Zane loves to read, he loves books.  He is such a smart kid (I know every parent says that but in this case it is so true) but his handwritting is horrible.  Maybe this will encourage him to pracite writting neater? lol  Either way I hope he loves it as much as I did my first diary.  I remeber in 3grd. our teacher had us journal writting in the class room so maybe it is just the right time.  I put on the inside where it says This Journal Belongs To:  Zane R. W. Hamm  12-25-03 Love Mom    A book that will be all about you.  Go Write It!

This is by far my favioret thing I bought this weekend.  Maybe cuz inside of me is that little girl who's best friend was her diary, where she wrote all her feelings and adventers in it and her worst fear was that some one would read it.   Aww tearing up here.  (click link to read my first entry on here and see why this journal is special to me)


  1. How sweet. I hope he enjoys it. It might take him awhile to REALLY get into it. My own daughter has had three journals (2 regular and one for journal time during homeschooling)...the only that got written in regularly was the homeschool one of course...however, as I look back over various things she wrote in the other two over the years? How endearing! So though they weren't used very regularly? I think they were WAY worth it :)

  2. That's a wonderful gift. To me, aside from reading, writing your feelings and keeping a record of them really reminds you of how you've grown. He'll feel wonderful 20 years from now when he reads his journal and remembers himself so young. He'll smile a lot. : )

  3. my favorite thing in school was in english class my 11th grade yr we had to keep a journal. of course the teacher gave us the topics to write about but every now and again we got free day. i really enjoy writing. i'm not as consitent w/ a paper journal as i'd like to be but this aol journal i've been obsessed w/. lol.
