Friday, March 5, 2004

IT ALWAYS HAPPENS ALL AT ONCE.. Granny we will miss you.

We have gotten a ton of rain here in the Saint Louis area the last few days.  I am trying to prepare for my little sister's visit this weekend and I had a ton of cleaning to do and also the GS cookies to mess with.  Then cuz of all the rain my basement flooded and it is a big mess down there. Kara you'v seen the pics of my laundry pile so you can imagin lol. Needless to say, alot of work had to be done today and I am thankful Josh didnt have work today and my friend Amy offered to help out.  Then this morning in the mist of all our goings on, I got a tearful call from Josh's mom.  Granny, Josh's grandma died this morning. She has had some health problems these last few years and this morning she was at the doc's cuz of some pain she was having, durning a test she passed away.  So we are all mourning over here.  Please keep us in prayer. Dorthy was a special lady. And as Josh put it to the kids, we can be sad cuz we will miss her, but we should be happy because she is with Jesus, the best place of all.  She was a strong Christian and I know she prayed for years for our conversion and it was a joy for her when we finaly came to Jesus.  I remember that she gave our kids thier first Veggie Tale movie (before we became Christians) and watching it with them helped plant seeds.  She was a blessed women with many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.  That is what I look forward to when I am old, to have all the grandkids around and love on them and plant seeds of God's love into them like Dorthy did for us.

So as you can see I have a busy weekend ahead of me.  I will probly be offline the whole time.  I will try and catch up when I can.


  1. I'm sorry for your family's loss. And you will be in my prayers. Seems like alot of our fellow journelers are having tough times this week with something or other. There must be one big dark cloud over this country. I need to go back to your other entrys and get caught up on your writing. ~lila~

  2. I am so sorry. I will pray for you and your family. I wish I would have read this before I emailed you. Oh hun. WIsh I could help you with that flood too. Sending love and prayers your way. Thank you again.

  3. i am sorry to hear about your loss. my thoughts and prayers are with you. i think it's wonderful that she helped plant those seeds of God's love in you guys and i know you will miss her.

  4. I posted my sympathies on your other blog but again, you, your family and Dorthy's church family. Plus, the rain and stuff. I pray it will rain grace and strength in the heavenlies toward you.
