I have not followed closely the news of late. So much crap out there, not much of hope in the news these days. I am very discused by the news coming out Iraq about the prision situation that happen. What was these men and women thinking?!!! Nasty! Oh how they have discrassed America! Clearly what happen in those prision cells was wrong, just as wrong as the things that happen there under Sadam's ruling. As the saying goes Absolute power Absolutly corups. Did these ppl think these things would never come to light?
I know that the hearts of men can be cold and concive many evil things. I also have to wonder if that place had anything to do with it? If those walls could talk, the horrors it would tell. Haunted? Na. But defently a demonic presance must be there. I believe in Demons just as much as I believe in Angles. The Bible says they are fallen Angles, who was decived by Satan to follow him and fight God for power. They was cast out of heaven and given rule here on earth. We fight not agenst flesh and blood but agenst spirutal princaplaties. I can't help to think how they are celbrating over the destruction going on due to thier influance in this scandle. Not just the dignaty taken from the prisioners but from the Muslim reaction, the beheading of salvilions and more violance promised to come. I do find it intresting the choice of murder was beheading. The Bible speaks of Saints being beheaded for thier faith in Jesus Christ. I have heard of it happening in the Sudane and other African nations with Muslim rule. I did once have a dream that is how I will die, that I will be beheaded for my preaching of the Gospel to many ppl. Like that movie Big Fish, If you know you how you are going to die, you dont fear the other things that could kill you if you know it wont be what gets you. Is that how I will die? I am not sure, it was a very strong vision I had when I was sick with a fever of over 103 but if that is how I will go, I could not think think of a better way, giving my life for Christ. Maybe one day I will write the full verson of the dream I had. Heavy stuff.
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