In regard to my Mom, I know I haven't been really putting updates in here on her and I need to be. I get most of my info from my sister who lives in Milwaukee but now that I have my long-distance back I can actually call my Mom and her husband myself and here and there Mom has been on the computer and we have chatted. For about a week or so she has had breathing issues. The docs say she has some fluid built up in her lungs, but not enough to warrant surgery to drain it. They prescribed a breathing therapy and she has been working on that but it is painful still.
This week she has been back and forth to doctors and getting ex-rays, a lot of activity for her and she has been worn out. Last night I got a
call from my sister saying that Mom was back in the hospital. Her heart felt like it was doing flip flops like before the surgery and she couldn't breath. Her husband rushed her to the ER Marcy was very upset, on the verge of tears. Those thoughts of loosing Mom sprung into my head again. As I was talking to my sister I got a call on my second line (caller ID is a wonderful thing) and told Marcy I would call her back. It was John, mom's husband to tell me himself what was going on. I could tell he was trying to be calm but I could still sense the emotion underneath it all. He explained all that was going on with Mom and how they stabilized her heart rate and she will be getting a room at the hospital for the night and maybe into the next day too. Her heart rate being up wasnt because of a malfuntion of her heart or the surgary but cuz of the meds she was on. It all boils down to finding the right drugs for her body to keep her heart rate stable. They had been monkeying around with them cuz of the fluid build up (I am told this is normal after a major surgery for you to develop fluid on your lungs). I suggested that they should just keep her a few days and solve the whole fluid on the lungs thing while she was there.
I had just talked with Mom yesterday morning onthe computer. We both was up early because we couldn't sleep. Each of us with our own ouchies but ofcourse hers is much worse than my sore mouth. She was joking asking if I wanted to trade places. She asked me to e-mail her pics of her in the ICU after the surgery because the doctors said it would be good for her to see how far she has come since then. She is also fighting a minor depression, also considered normal. She even told me she had been praying to The Lord for strength and to lift her depression.
It seems to me like her recovery has had many, many snags in it but I am assured these are normal. I wouldn't rate her recovery as speedy at all, she is been having a real hard time of it. Ofcourse I am not there with her and tend to worry because I don't get to really see her and her progress. I still have a picture of her in my head in her hospital bed, lol it may be good for ME to see an updated pic of her, like it was good for her to see a pic of herself in ICU. But really, I am not stressing so much over it all. I have left it in God's hands and I am not going to take it back onto myself.
all for praying for my family and my mother.
My prayers continue for your family and for your mom. May she get well soon. May God's healing touch heal her. God bless, Beckie
ReplyDeleteI will pray. I pray Father that this is just bump in the road and you will soon show forth your glory in Marys mom. AMEN.Lori
ReplyDeleteI am praying for your Mom. -Krissy
Sorry that you are experiencing the challenges you are. My hope is that all will work out. Thanks for stopping by my place. :-) ---Robbie
ReplyDeleteJust stopping by with continued support and prayers!
You are such a prayer warrior... your mom will be fine!
Much love and support to you from Iowa. Please know you are on my prayer list as well.!
Those graphics are so cute! Glad to see you're back online...don't computer probs just drive you nuts? I like the voice entries have such a sweet voice! finally convinced me to try AOL by Phone, lol...I don't know why I can impulse shop so easily at Walmart but take forever to try out something as cheap as AOL by Phone...and I love it, by the way! I could always get my email on the phone but it takes several screens for the phone's browser to get through one email and it took ages...this is much faster, though I do have a hard time understanding that mechanical woman sometimes when she says the screennames of who the email or journal entry is from...she does so good on the words but pronounces sn's so strangely, lol.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, glad to see you're back and hope you're having a great day!
Sammie :)
Oh yeah, forgot....send my hugs to your Mom too...glad she's doing better, hope her recovery is speedy. I know it must be awfully hard for her but I bet the doc is right...if she can see where she was and where she is now...that should be encouraging to see how far she's come already!
ReplyDeleteSammie :)
Hopr your mother gets to feeling better soon. I'll include her in my prayers tonight. Thanks for stopping by my journal.