OK I am doing some plot and minor detail development for my NaNoWriMo Novel before the actual beginning of the novel writing starts Nov. 1st. I want to get as much pre stuff done as I can so I can plow right into it. It is kinda finally sinking in how corny all this is but hey now I can say I am writing a book and sound all scholarly at parities and chats lol.
I am not a coffee drinkers what so ever! In fact I dislike it extremely.. I wont even kiss Josh after he has just had a cup of Joe. But I need to know about coffee and its parfanilia for my book. One of the central settings takes place at a coffee house.
Here is where I am asking for help, help me do the research! If you are a coffee drinker tell me about your fav kind, where you buy it and if you have ever been to a coffee house what it is like. StarBucks doesn't count! Either shoot me a e-mail or leave it in my comments section. THANK YOU!! Ohhh and also my central charter is really into music and singing,
So any info you can give me that you think would help me for research would also be appreciated. Links are good. And I will say a big THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU in my dedication page and forward to you all! LOL
OK the update is YESSSSSSSS, Josh's paycheck did come in the mail today (Thank God!) and was promptly deposited when Josh got home. I was able to get some groceries and we had a nice balanced dinner tonight. It really sucks living paycheck to paycheck! I swear, next year, no really, next year when he is journey men we will be putting a good amount aside each check as a fall back for situations such as these. Apparently Josh had a very bad day today at work, he didn't get into it a lot, I could see the frustration on his face and the weary look in his chocolate brown eyes so I didn't push for details. All I could say to him is Tomorrow is another day. Speaking of tomorrow, I have to get up early with Zane because he has choir club before school. Last week I had given a note to the music teacher who runs the club telling her we needed to car pool with someone and if she could help us out with someone that lives close to us. Friday a nice lady for the PTC called me and said she would want to meet me and my family before she started taking him but that it would be no prob. for her to pick him up in the moorings that the club meets. She has two other kids in it, 3rd and 5th graders and later I found out her son is in cub scouts too (but with a different pack). So today she and her family stopped by to meet us for a few minute. They seem very nice and the kids should get along well. So we have to be ready by 7:45 tomorrow morning. Tonight Josh has been in camping planning mode. So I have my lists and orders of what I NEED to do to get ready for the big camping trip this weekend.
I am soooooo excited, can you tell?? I hope the weather is as nice as it was today! I took the girls for a walk today and we was roasting. I had dressed us too warm! I did bring my camera
, on the search for the next photo scavenger hunt. This time the theme is something we think is unusual I think I found a few things and will post them Thursday or before I leave Friday. But the rest of you have until the weekend. Also Thursday Zane has his first guitar lesion
with Tracy, so as you see I am already trying to get too much done this week lol. I will just have to remember the FLYLady motto "I can do anything in 15 min." and get me a timer going.
OK! Go and give me a in my about Me section and then leave me your ideas and research help on the above questions! Thanks again
oh it's way to cold for camping. But maybe not where you are at. I got some dough today too and put some food in the house and all. Cappachino is like glorified hot cocoa with caffiene. And choc full of nuts. I only had my first cup of coffee at age 27 or 28 and I have been addicted ever since and I hated it too. I like mine light and sweet...so light that I can take a sip and not have to send it back because it burned my tongue. Some people have joked with me, "Why don't you have some coffee with your sugar." I like it sweet.
ReplyDeleteI love camping, just not in the winter. Sounds like things are falling right into place for you. YIPPEE! God is so good. Hugs..*Barb*
ReplyDeleteYEs it got warm here today. Unual for this time of year to have hot temps. It only lasts for a bit becuase the sun is only high for a short time.But it did get hot. Now about Coffee. I do not like coffee. BUT I do drink what Todd calls foo foo coffee. Its gevalia . I love Gevalia Cinnamon coffee. I put cream and sugar of course. and only flavored creams like irish cream is good in it.I have watkins cinnamon vanilla sprinkles on the coffee and that is wonderful. It is so good. We stocked up on coffee since its going up in nov. So they say. I also love this pumpkin spice coffee too I get from Green moutian. Now at mugshots our old coffee shop I use to get coffee with caramel syrup and vaniila syrup. That is great. I like making my own mixtures in coffee. So I usually ask for what htey have that has what i want and then add some of what else i Like. I don tknow if this helps you but I do love being part of the gevalia coffee club. I also like to dip biscotte (a hard bread that is sweet and and can have swirls in it and then the bread is softened and good too. I Love powedered doughnuts in my coffee too. Lori
ReplyDeleteDid someone say coffee? JAE