Why do things have to be all busy body when I am just playing a little game???
LOL I swear it has to be BEA not BEE.
I don't care what the DVD cover for the show says..
they are WRONG! LMBO Read more over at Pat's on the subject.
A word about my name.. It is MaryBea.. All one name like MaryJoe, or like my daughter's AnnMarie.. I was called MaryBea or just Bea up until I found out it wasn't cool in Jr High and then insisted my family reform and call me Mary LOL It took alongggggggg time to get that reform and alot of whinning. Then somehow or another my husband/then boyfriend found out about it.. Probably when my mom was yelling at me as he was sneeking out my bedroom window. Oh I was in trouble then, he loved to tease me about it to no end... nice huh?! I have to insist to ppl that the Bea is just Bea and not for Beatrice like my great grandmother.. Mom shortened it for me and she called me MaryBea because Mary is so popular so if there was ever another Mary in my class I could stand out. Awww gee thanks MOM. Well as my personal web page explains, my husband gave me the nic name Huny Bea.. just to annoy me.. and at first I fought the nic name tooth and nail, like I had with my family but he is unrelenting.. so over time it just stuck and I gave up. I have grown to except it and now as you can see I love it because it is my screen name too. If I ever learn to make blinkies you will see a whole slew of tags with that name. I have grown to like it so much that I passed the name on to my second daughter LillyBea and yikes.. I am so bad but she is too young to care.. I call her just Bea sometimes.. Oh the flash backs! I have grown to love the name so much that I get so peterved when some one spells it wrong.. That is why I HAD to say something on the Sax Six about it lol not like I was trying to stir the Pot.Now I am relizing, if I get so buged by the Bee instead of the Bea.. Then why do I collect all these bee tags and blinkies????? Cuz I can and that is my last say on it lol.
Oh ya the nics between me and my LillyBea.. we call eachother Mamma BEA and Baby BEA and Big Bea and Little Bea.. she will sit there for a full hour saying it back and forth with me if I let her lol.. I should post that some time by ABP.
Other news...
My mom called me last night and told me she can't come down this weekend and maybe next.
I talked to my sister and she telling me of her advaners of her daughter shoving a navy bean deep into right ear and having to take her to the ER to get it out.. awww
I am stuck.. I havnt written anything since my last update for my novel but I did write, what I think is an awesome chapter for the J~Land Novel.. it is rather long but worth the read from the feed back I have been getting. Check it out because I deleted it in here.
Last night I was in a mood.. especaily after the call from my mom. I was so so looking forward to her visit. There was not chocalate in the house.. and I was craving some badly! Does Josh take this as a sign to leave me alone and stop teasing me or messing with me???? NO he seems to think the best way to get me out of these moods is to rib on me more.. and that does the opposite and just (forgive me) PISSES ME OFF MORE! Last night in front of the kids I said the dreaded F~Word I told him to F~ OFF! I would of smacked him but it would of done no good.. he would smack me back.. lol that is the rule, don't dish if you can't take it back. So when he fell asleep on the couch, I left him there and didn't attempt to wake him back up. I figured he could wake himself up in the middle of the night and come to bed, I am not his Mommy. He hates sleeping on the couch and was teasing me more this morning about it... needless to say PMS must be in full swing
First of all I love your name. I think it's beautiful even if you hate it. Second of all I hope you guys stop bickering because I just think you are the cutest couple EVER! But I have PMS this weekend too and I must have screamed at Ronnie "YOU BETTER WATCH IT" Five times in two days.
ReplyDeleteoH yes bea marybea and hunybea are just fine. Think they are great in fact. NOW you calm down girl have a jack and coke. I seem to find the last year that I get PMS mid cycle on cycle and after cycle. Whats up with that. ???????? Yehs men I somethmes think like to be in trouble. Yes your story is good Tracy liked it too. Seems like it touched another woman. I hated that I could not break it up and get in there .I mean like break it up and make paragraphs. But its such a good read I didnot want to break it up and have nyone miss any part. Lori
ReplyDeleteDear Mary, I just got back on line, I needed to take a few days off to settle down about my Daddy. I loved this entry about your name! I have a half of e-mail written for you and will try to get it sent Monday. Thank you for the e-mail it really helped. All blessings to you and your family, Love, Catherine :)