Wednesday, August 9, 2006

You Are Invited! Rally Against Human Cloning, August 28, St. Louis, Missouri

Dear Friends and Family in The Lord in Missouri,

The stem cell research and cloning issue seems to be coming to a head in our battle ground state and I know for many it is a confusing and difficult subject. This November an initiative has made it on the ballot that in wording makes it look like it will ban human cloning in our state but not block stem cell research and make cures possible but there are other opinions of what this amendment really means. I know many have seen the commercials/ tv programs and gotten mail from the WELL funded group that wishes to see it passed. I ask that you educate yourself on this issue. It is an important LIFE issue and I see it also as a spiritual issue. I hope to attend this informational rally and hope others will to. Please fwd on to others.

(I also have articles and a prepared hand out in Word Docment form if you wish to view it. It talks about this amendment and explains the science and differnace between Adult Stem Cells and Embrionic. If you wish for me to e-mail it to you send me a message with your e-mail addy)

Much Love~


Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman

You Are Invited! Rally Against Human Cloning, August 28, St. Louis, Missouri

Dear Mary,

You are cordially invited to attend a Rally titled "Christians Against Human Cloning" which will take place Monday, August 28, 7:00 PM at Life Christian Church, 13001 Gravois Rd., St. Louis, Missouri. My friends, Dr. Alan Keyes and Dr. Rick Scarborough, will present urgent information about Human Cloning and the proposed amendment to the Missouri Constitution known as "Research and Cures Initiative." There will be entertainment by Kim Noblett and a nursery will be provided. There is no admission charge for the event.

There will be a complimentary dinner at 5:00 PM for all area pastors and their wives. Please R.S.V.P. by calling 1-866-522-5582. Please share this information with your pastor.

You may call 1-866-522-5582 should need more details about this important event.

Please forward this important alert to all of your friends and family members in the St. Louis area.

If you think our efforts are worthy, would you please support us with a small gift? Thank you for caring enough to get involved.



Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!


  1. Oh my....I agree with you. It's a spiritual matter to me as well. Thank you for posting this. :o)

  2. Can't help you with this but you are doing a good thing.

  3. I'm stuck with this one.  I'm against cloning, however, being that I have a son with a brain malformation and spinal cord damage from this, I'm all for stem cell research.  It's a hard subject for me.....Have a good day.

  4. I passed this on to a friend of mine who lives in the area.
    If they were wanting to use adult stem cells it'd be one thing, but when they're wanting to kill and destroy lives to save another it's NEVER ok. I'm sure they'd like to say that these cells could one day cure leukemia, but how can any of us say it's ok for one life to end so another can continue in this way? There is a better way than killing these babies.

  5. Hey sis, i can't make it to your Rally but I'm finally reading up on your daily blog to catch up on me sometime soon when you get settled.
    love ya , charlene
