ABC's of homemaking quiz
Aprons- Y/N? Yes, have one that I sometimes use.. but it is more for decoration lol And Sophia has a small pink striped one she likes to put on when she "helps" me cook
Baking- Favorite thing to bake? Fudge Brownies
Clothesline- Y/N? No, the dryer was invented for a reason lol
Donuts- Ever made them? No and wouldn't have a clue how.
Everyday- One homemaking thing you do everyday? Feed the children
Freezer- Do you have a separate deep freezer? Yes but it is very bare right now.. it was a very nice gift from my MIL a few years ago.. and she had filled it! that was the last time it was that full lol
Garbage Disposal- Y/N? Yes
Handbook- Y/N? No. Handbook?? is there one? LOL
Ironing- Love it or hate it? Hate, Isn't that what the dryer is for?? LOL
Junk Drawer- Where is it? I have three.. but each holds differnt kinds of junk. One, next to the stove is cooking tools I almost never use, Two, is next to the dishwasher and by the phone.. it holds the phone books and loose peices of paper with phone numbers I havn't added to my phone book and Three, next to the fridge holds owners manuals and pencils and screw drivers my husband never seems able to put away.
Kitchen- Design and decorating? Still working on it.. it kinda has sections but over all theme is American Country(?) Still need to paint. But the sections are.. (Wine) the table cloth has wine bottles and fruit on it with a grape candle holder center peice and I have a wine rack and a shelf that has wine related nick-nacks, (Americona) I have three cabnets spread threw out the kitchen and on top of them I have baskets, colored glass and bottles and American Flag theme.. this is where my apran doubles as part of the decorations too lol, Bee's, and on the window sill wimsical.. like bears dressed as flowers and gnoms and a little sign I made that says Dare To Dream (I should post pics with this entry, all that may sound like its cluttery but really I have a BIG kitchen)
Love- What is your favorite part of homemaking? Decorating, creating, rearanging.. oh ya and taking care of my family lol
Mop- Y/N? Yes, now and then.
Oven- Do you use the window or open it to check? Both, sometimes you just dont know unless you taste it " )
Pizza- What do you put on yours? pepperoni and double cheese and I love mushrooms but no one else does so I hardly get em
Quiet- What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? get on the computer, read a book, or play video games lol
Recipe card box- Y/N? No Hahaha.. noooo.. but I do have some cook books
Under the kitchen sink- The trash can, some sponges and hand towels
Vacuum- not as often enough but getting better now that I have a new one that works real well.. I love it
Wash- How many loads do you do a week?Too many to count.. I have 4 children remember lol the pile is on going
X’s- Do you keep a list of things to do and cross them off? When I want to be really motivated but mostly I dont
Yard- Who does what? Last year my son and I mowed mostly because Josh was out of town so much.. so really ya.. all me.. I do the watering and furtilizing.. but when Josh IS home he does some lol The girls love using the watering can on the front flowers and bushes.. we dont have much of a garden yet.
ZZZ’s- What is your last homemaking task for the day? Locking up and making sure all the lights have been turned off
Here are links to old entries with pics in them of the house.. pretty much after we moved in and got somewhat unpacked almost 2yrs ago now. Ofcourse everything is arranged differntly now but you get an idea. Wine stuff, other pics of the house featuring the kitchen.
You should persist with the mushrooms on the pizza. That way you get more.