Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just being quiet for now

I know its been awhile.. prob wondering whats been going on lol and yes that weekend was THAT good (ears still ringing).  Maybe that is why I have been a bit down and bummed out.  I try not to let it get to me, try not to focus on it and to keep looking forward to the next homecomings.   Kids and work and the house should be enough to keep me busy.  Thinking of planting some seeds for a garden soon.. if it would stay warm and not so wet.  But anything I am in just a quiet mode for now.  Oh I have lots to say, and have been doing some things I need to blog about but for now I think I need to be still and in prayer.  I need to get back into a discipline.. for my spiritual health, mental and physical too.  Know what I mean??


  1. hey girl, glad your weekend with josh went great. i've been wondering if you were ok, but i figured if you needed me you know where to find me. just remember i love you bunches.

    sending blessings and love,

  2. I'm glad your weekend was that good mary!  I like the picture ;-).  be still- I need to be as well.  God Bless and talk soon!  Love Carolyn

  3. Always thinking of you and hoping you are well.  It is good to be quiet and still and talk to the Lord.  Much hugs,

  4. Did the photo yourself?  Neat.  I'm glad you and Josh enjoyed your time together.  I know when Pete is away for any time, any reason I tend to do everything a little differently.  Do things at different times.  Even though I complain he causes us to eat supper too late and get to bed too late, I tend to stay up even later when he is gone.  I tend to plan my time and activities around him, so when he leaves, my structure is gone.  
    -  Barbara

  5. So glad you guys had a good time together. I've been having to be quiet lately as well, it goes against my nature but that's what God has called me to do.

    Praying for you

