Wednesday, January 21, 2009

~Wearing Black For The Rest Of The Week~

Showing off my necklace & earrings I got for my B-day

My Birthday Princess Tiara
I wish I had not waited so long to blog about last weekend and my Birthday. Now it's not fresh and I don't even know where to start, I really want to write about why I am wearing black for the rest of the week.
I'll just keep it short and sweet. Holding on by what it feels like just fingernails but I am looking forward to that turn in the bend, I have to hope its up ahead. And I am resolved not to complain when there are so many blessings.
I was carried over the weekend, that's how I got threw it, thanks for prayers! My Birthday was about like the last few, can I still say I'm only 29? My Mom and siblings all got my age wrong lol but that's ok.

I watched the big Historical Presidential Inauguration of our 44th. And now you know why I am in mourning and wearing black. I cried down on my knees when Rick Warren was praying the invocation "Lord Mercy, I know there is no turning back now". For one, if you are into End Time study and avid news watcher.. YOU KNOW what I'm talking about and for another all the rivers of blood that will be flowing because this Pro-choice administration is going to repeal and make it all the more easier to continue this American Holocaust. I know everyone is overwhelmed with some kind of hope in our new Pres, I can't help but wish for the best too, but I am afraid this country IS going to get what she asked for and has no clue.


  1. I share the same fear you do, for I think the abortion fanatics will be laying FOCA on his table, (freedom of choice act) that will take away every restriction any state has made in his country on abortion. He says in the video I posted he does not believe in partial birth abortion unless there is danger for the life of the mother, but that interpretation has been stretched again and again to cover it for any reason as has been documented by those who did the partial birth abortions themselves. I think we have to prepare for the worst, but also to hit this administration with everything we have got if and when there is an attempt to pass FOCA. Keep writing. Your words and thoughts are powerful. Do not think that even if they seem not to reach anybody, that they don't. You are being forged to do great work in this world right now. Look at Jane Roe, now making big ads for TV expressing utmost regret for her part in Roe vs. Wade. I have seen her a number of times on TV in recent weeks, and silently said, thank you, Jane, thank you. I just think that you have to look out for your health and stay alive, so you can be used in this cause. Your very strength in believing in your own life and purpose will some day be so important, so take heart. And continue to believe.

  2. Thank you Gerry for that encouragment, I needed it.

  3. you are a beautiful soul, inside and out. You have my friendship and hugs and prayers, always.
