Saturday, April 16, 2005

Mommmmmm!!! When is Jesus going to come and take us away to the Party!??

My younger daughters Lilly and Sophia just asked me this question, frustrated and longing as though they expect him to come any time now, like they are waiting for a birthday party that is just days away and they can't wait.  I wish I could of told them any time now, just look up he is on his way, but no I had to tell them the party is just not ready yet but when it is we will know and he will come, likely when you are a bit more grown up.

My children teach me a lot some times, like their excitement and anticipation about Jesus.  As he said we need to have faith such as a child, so when I look at them and how they think about him it blesses me and I ask God to help me have the same point of view.

So how did they come to be so excited about the Coming of Jesus Christ and what is this party they are talking about?? Well.. I confess I started it, it was innocent really and now I wish I had found maybe better wording but I still think it is cute when they run up and ask when the party is going to start and when they are talking to other about Jesus and telling them about the party that will have wedding cake and how we will meet him in the sky.

A few months ago we were driving in the van just the three of us, doing our normal chores, likely on the way to the bank or something boring to them.  I had on my Christian Radio Station and was singing along with a song about flying away, I don't remember the exact song but I added a new song to my journal today that I think may of been it. (check it out LOL) They asked in wonder what was the song talking about, what about this flying, can we fly Mom??  Aww cute right?!  I had to tell them no no, we can't fly.. yet.  The song is talking about when Jesus comes back to get us, didn't you know Jesus is going to get us and when he does he is going to call us up to the sky and meet him, it will be like flying.  This got them very excited but they wanted to know why and when and how.

I told them Jesus went away to prepare a big party for us, like a wedding party and probably have wedding cake too.  But it is a surprise party, we don't know when it will be.  When Jesus is done and the time is right he will call us like a big trumpet playing, "Lilly, Sophia, Time to come up to the party" he will call and you will go whoooooshhhh and be up in the sky and travel around the world to where the party is in Israel at the Mt of Olives.  A lot of ppl will be there, all those who have ever loved Jesus will be there for the party. And then he will take us up to heaven for the party and all the other ppl who haven't loved him will be stuck here on Earth.

This got them very excited, they were about jumping in their seats.  WE are going to get to see Jesus! And he is going to have a big party!!! I told them hold on.. wait.. there is one more thing that is important.  The party is by invitation only.  You have to be invited to go.  Do you know how to get an invitation?? I asked them.  How, how.. how mom!? they asked still very excited.  Only those who love Jesus now and live for him today and ask him to live in their hearts will be invited to this surprise party.  So do you love Jesus and is he in your heart?? Yessssssss we love him very much mommy!! We can't wait for the party and to see him!!

And that is how it all started, that simple explanation about what we call in Christian slang the Rapture.  That was when my 3 & 5 yrd started asking ppl if they were invited to the Big Party with Jesus and if they will see them there, that is when they started every few days asking ME when it will be and am I ready to go if it is today or not.

If it was today, would you be invite??  Will I see you there?



One of these days I'm gonna fly
Over the mountain
One of these days I'm gonna ride
On the silver lining
One of these days I'm gonna witness
All I've been missing
One of these days

One of these days I'm gonna do
All the things that I've never done
I'm gonna finish all the races
That I've run but I've never won
And I'm gonna see a million faces
And recognize everyone
One of these days

One of these days
Gonna see the hand that took the nails for me
One of these days
Gonna hold the key to the mansion built for me
One of these days
Gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me
One of these days
I'm gonna see my Savior face to face
One of these days

One of these days I'm gonna see
Just what became of me
On the day that I believed
When you took myself from me
And I believe I will see
What I would have been
If You didn't save me
One of these days

And one of these days I'm gonna talk
With all the saints that have gone before
And in their sandals I will walk
And we will sit along the shore
And I will learn all the things
That I never knew before
All this and more

One of these days I'll finally be
In a place where there's no more need
No more pain and no more grief
No more foolish disbelief
And all the joy there will be
When at last we finally see
One of these days


  1. HOw cute.
    I have heard that song.

  2. That's a great song, and I'm just as excited for the big party with Jesus!

    "One Day, I'll see you coming back for me, and all together we'll fly away!

    One day, I'll hear that trumpet loud and clear, and all together we'll fly away.  

    Oh how I long for the day, when we'll fllllly away!"

    Fly Away-FFH (Far From Home)

  3. Aren't kids great? If we could all have the faith of a child. I sure am trying to. Can't wait to see my Jesus face to face! Man, I love this song! God bless, Beckie

  4. >>One of these days
    Gonna see the hand that took the nails for me
    One of these days
    Gonna hold the key to the mansion built for me
    One of these days
    Gonna walk the streets of gold that were paved for me
    One of these days
    I'm gonna see my Savior face to face
    One of these days<<

    LOVE THIS SONG!!  One of my favorites.  I have a lot of Christian music - I guess I traded one addiction for another.  But hey, at least this one is more healthy!
