Saturday, April 30, 2005

Mother & Daughter Lunch

Snuggling: Author Sharon Froese

Snuggling with my mommy

Is where I like to be

All the world is right

When she is holding me

I snuggle in her arms

When I'm hurt or need a rest

Cuz snuggling with my mommy

Is the thing I like best!


Had a great time with my daughters at the Mother Daughter lunch my church had today.  Like the pics??  Nice double chin I am getting there huh!! gurr....   And this is the first pics I have posted with me wearing my new glasses.  Ya like??  Also last night I was playing with my Print Master program and made a new side bar pic.. check it out.  I know it is kind of big but I wanted the words to still be clear even after resizing.

I have pics with all the Mother Daughters and I am hoping to get them printed and make a poster to hang up at church's bulletin board and also give a copy to the ladies.  No one else brought their camera so I have the only copies.  Will make for a nice Mother's Day project for me and Annie to do together.. since she is getting into the scrap booking thing.

Ok I am off.. I forgot it is our turn to clean church and mow the lawn.  Has to look nice for tomorrow's special service! I'll be back with pics of that service tomorrow " )



  1. those are very cute pictures! and I LOVE your new glasses!!!!!!!

    dont worry about the chin...mines lovely also. *mwah* love ya!

  2. awwwwwww love the pics. NOW I never notcied the double chin. I ll have to go back and look now !!!!!!!!!  I love mother daughter things. Love the pics of you and the girls keep them and each year add on it will be great memories.

  3. Aww, how sweet! your girls are so cute! God bless, Beckie

  4. Those pictures of you and your girls are priceless, I know that you will cherish them always.

  5. Beautiful girls!  -  Barbara

  6. Wow they are all so beautiful. I am glad that you had a nice time. *Louise*
