I hope you enjoyed those last two posts. The music didn't turn out as well as I would of liked, but you get the sentiment behind them. I think it was good to read Isaiah 53 and see how God pulls it all together, how he forteld of Jesus being the lamb thaken to the slaugher for our sins and all the other prophecy in that chapter. Before anyone ever told me that chapter was speaking of Jesus, I had read it and it screemed out to me saying LOOK, see how I have ordained this, and how he fullfilled everything. Reading that chapter and then reading about Jesus's going to the cross and all that happen before and during and after really ties it together I think. Tommorrow I probly will post on the Resurectioin to finish off this series of posts in honor of this time of rememberance. Not that I dont think of him daily and write freely of him in here, but I thought maybe those who would not normaly read that part of me would take a moment to honor the Holiday and maybe be touched.
Last night at the dinner table before we took the kids down to the grandparents Zane was talking about what he was reading in his Bible (yes my boy reads on his own and always comes up with the greatest questions) He was telling me how he was reading in Danial and about the Beast coming to power. He said it was some scarry stuff and he isnt sure he wants to keep reading about the end times. I told him how I understood what he ment, because that stuff freaks me out sometimes too but I also told him we have nothing to fear and that is why God had told us of these things before they happen, so that we can be expecting it. (Rev.3:1)God told us blessed are those who read and understand the sayings in this book I told him what I felt I understood about the endtimes and we had a nice dissucsion about it. My son is only 9 and he talkes about these things! Then we was talking about this Sunday and how the service may be special, how some are fasting and praying in prearation and we also told him that we was going to have communion and what that ment. Then he goes into all these questions about what is fasting and how do you do it and why. Josh explained to him that fasting is obstaing from something, it can be food or something like tv but you pray and draw closer to God during that time you would normaly be doing that activity. Then on the way to the grandparents Zane was sitting upfront with me and Just as I lite a cig he gives me this look and says "Mom, can you go on a fast for someone else? I want to fast so you will quit smoking" OHhhhhhhhh my eyes welled up with tears you know and I half hugged him as I was driving. My sweet sweet little boy! Just another way God is dealing with me. For alongg time God has told me he wants to give them up, and it is so hard for me. So he enlists my son, the one thing he knows I cant say no to!
I may be going into a fast and praying over that. If I do, I wont be speaking of it here, because that is one thing, when you are on a fast, it is suposed to be private, and you are not to boast about it.
You are just such a great girl. Happy Easter!
ReplyDeleteFirst, thanks so much for visiting my journal and leaving kind words of encouragement for my health and also for your prayers. Somehow, I get the feeling you are the type who really prays when she says she will :) I will pray for you too. I pray that God will give you strength while you try to give up cigarettes. I was delivered from smoking a year and a half ago. My health was suffering so bad. I had asthma. My son has asthma, although I smoked outdoors, the smell would still be on my clothes and that probably didn't help him. After the Lord had been dealing with me about this, I walked over to a friend's house and i asked her and her sister to pray for me. That was one week before Thanksgiving 2002. I got nauseous every time I lit one after they prayed for me. After a while, it got easier bc who wants to feel sick? :) May God bless you and give you strength. I'm praying for you too. :) God Bless y'all and have a very nice Easter! Love, Mia
ReplyDeleteJust stopped by to wish you and yours a wonderful Easter Sunday. : )