Thursday, May 8, 2008

A bonus... NOT

So I get a call today from my hubby asking if I had looked at our checking account today.  No, not really why?  There was a deposit made in to it for eleven thousand dollars he says.  I laugh and say oh you mean eleven hundred, our stimulus check maybe?  No he says $11,000.  SAY WHAT!!  Obviously the government has made a mistake.. you should call some one about that but whoo whoo.. its there so its ours right?? LOL  Sigh.. noo.. it was his work.. they some how wired the wrong amount into our account and ya.. we have to give it back.. how honest of us.

I should take a screen shot because I can't image us ever having that much money move threw our account again lol.  Better yet I suggest we take a quick trip to Vegas and double it for them lol ya right.  Or they should let me keep it for putting up with long weeks as a single parent and a frustrated women, services rendered!!  It's in my it's my money now!!  But no.. it goes back first thing in the morning. *bla*  I could really do some damage with $11,000.  But my son chimes in, now mom you know that if that was ours to keep  most of it would go to a pro-life charity or to church because after all mom who's money is it??.. yes it is all God's, if only for a few minuets it's lent to me lol.

We really are expecting our "stimulus package" tomorrow.  But we have promised each other to be "responsible" with it and put it aside so I can get the massive dental work I need done.  It won't be enough to cover all of it but it will be a good chuck and a start.  ugh but I also really need a  new washer and dryer.. you know those nice front loaders,triple capacity, move mountains and, come in green one. (I can dream).

The kicker is, I don't have work tomorrow and neither does hubby.  He has a rain day in Philly and I am not  needed because my client has a doctor appointment.  A day we are both sitting around, not making money.. and can't be together : (  Well, at least I will get some things done around the house and if it's not raining here, some yard work. 

 MAN.. $11,000.. I could hire a maid and a lawn boy!  Maybe I should buy a lottory ticket tomorrow?

(you know I am just kidding.. I don't gamble)


  1. I think I'd take a picture too!!!

    God Bless

  2. Boy Mary- I think I couldhandle11 thousand too!  It's good that you're so honest  ;-)   but I know what you mean~  It's amazing that the government is sending us some of our money back- but most of us could use that over and overagain for more important things than the gov. does with it! Oh well- I'll be buying a little bit of 2nd grade curriculum for next school year, and talking out a little for a short overnight trip somewhere later in the year- the rest, as much as we could use it for stuff- is going in the bank for bills later :-0  Have a Blessed Day OFF!!  love Carolyn

  3. Oh man bummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I started to suggest phone or cyber sex but that might make ya'll feel worse than better.  LOL  I wish our money would get here all ready.  Sometimes I wish the government hadn't told us it was coming.  :o/  But one good thing has come from it....I've memorized the number to call and check my account balance!  -  Barbara
