Wednesday, August 27, 2003

No Need for Riot Gear

The Christian Science Monitor
'And security around Montgomery is high, in anticipation of violence from Moore's followers upon the monument's removal.' How funny that is to me. I know this ardical is maybe a day late. Anticipation of violence from Christians? A true Christian is non-violant, but that doesnt mean they are to be quiet. I guess Montgomery is dissapointed tonight as they did move the monument yet those in the faith where still non-violent. What did they exspect? Rioting in the streets and burning of the courthouse building? Maybe that would have gotten some attention in the short term as other riot's have, but that would be agenst the teaching of Christ. Yes, we are in God's Army but we battle in the Spirit. For we fight not agenst flesh and blood but agenst principalities.

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