Sunday, April 4, 2004

Raise Your hand if the time change has messed you up?!

Ohh the time change has screwed me up bad lol and also staying up late on the puter catching up on journals and then chatting with Kara didn't help me either.  I totaly slept threw church today!  Something I didn't want to do because Riley was going to be in attendance and was suposed to come over to our house afterwards.  I had told Josh threw the fog of being asleep that he should at least go but you know with out me on him he doesnt know where his clothes or the kids clothes are so he just stayed home too and fed the kids thier brakefast and watched the morning toons with them.  I lazed out of bed around 12, well realy 1 with the time change,to hear the kids fighting ofcourse, and this was after several attemps of Josh sending the babies in to jump on me to wake me up.  He finaly came in and threw down some sweats and a t-shirt and told me to get up. lol Guess he couldnt take it any more.  About 45 min after that Riley shows up at our house.  He got some of the sweet girls from church to take him out to lunch and then drop him off at our house.  I am soooo glad to see him but am not prepared for him to visit.  So right now him and Josh are out at the store getting stuf for dinner and maybe a treat for the kids, and if I am real lucky a rented movie.  The movie may not be nessairy because The Ten Comandments are going to be on tonight and I would like to watch that.

I can't wait till the Journal re-set comes this week!  I am working on my 100 things about me list and will post them when the character limit is increased.  Man it is hard to think of that much stuff to put down about me.  So I may be giving away too much info, very private stuff, but hey, I dont have much to hide and I will try and liven it up with

Sorry if I dwelt on that one person for too long. Really it didnt bother me that much, just inspired me to write about Pollyanna and about Demons. lol  Really I do pray for that person and hope that some day heorshe will have a heart change and look to the Lord instead of walking in the flesh.


  1. hey just found ur journal its totally cute:)

  2. That is awesome that you have a friend in Riley. He sounds like a great guy. May God protect him and your family also. God bless, Beckie

  3. Hey you are always up late..don't blame me for missing church. LOL Love ya kid!
