Saturday, April 24, 2004

What Does it profit a man to gain the whole world yet loose his soul?

Ok I am going to rant a bit today!  Today we had the pick up for Apirl Showers for G.S.  If you recall last Saturday we did the bag drop off in a very very rich sub division (it was the one assigned to us) and I thought well, I am sure they will be very generous and the girls will have a lot of stuff to give to the food bank we was going to give the toletries to.

Today it rained so we had a bit of a late start and there was some confussion over the meeting place.  But eventaly the one mom just went and took her girl to get the bags. It got worked out. Of the 50 or so houses we left bags at, see example above, guess how many bags was put out?

Just 1 bag!! with six things in it.

I am shocked and very sadden.  But as my husband said, that is how they can aford to live in those big $400,000 homes.  Holding on to every penny they have.  Josh used to deliver pizzas to homes like that and he said they always was the worst tippers.  I have half a mind to write our local paper and tell how our coveted WingHaven friends are such cheap skates and have no concern for our local food pantries.  I pray for God to bless the one family that took time to shop and put together the one bag that was put out for us!



  1. That is sad. god wants us to share in what we have. The rich can certainly afford it. Sad. God bless, Beckie

  2. That is very sad and I think you should go to the local papers so they can see in black and white how selfish they really are. I bet you get alot more for the needy after that article is printed. Don't worry one day their gonna need something that money cant buy and who are they gonna look to.
