Saturday, June 5, 2004

This and That

I am stumpted with the assingment for this weekend.  Name a book that describes you (excluding the Bible and Koran or other sacred religous texts).  So I will have to keep thinking on it.  The last book I got to sit and read I think was "Let's Roll" The Todd Beamer story.  Wow and that was last summer??  I will have to make an effort to read more books, but I tend to lean on the thinking that I dont have time for fiction and the Bible is what I mainly need to feed me with.

Anyways updates and such.  First of all I am very sad, but I guess I will get over it.  I have talked before of my dential problems and how bad my teeth are getting.  This is a very sensitive thing for me to admit to ppl, and I am leaving myself open (be kind).  I lost a front side tooth the other day. : (  Gawwshhh I really can't smile now!  Josh said it doesnt look too bad, kinda cute and my friend Jess who lives in KY (countrybumkin) said I could move down with her and fit right in.  I think I may stick with the story that I am a hockey player.  I feel such shame over it.  I know half of it is my fault for not heeding warnings and take better care of my teeth.  Other half is from having a family with bad teeth to begin with and having 4 kids, you know if you dont get engh calsium during pregnacy, your body will take it from your teeth for the baby.  I know, just go to the dentist and get it fixed right? Wish it was so simple.  I have resinged myself to thinking by the time we have the money and time, I will have to get full denchrers.  Sad for being only 27.  I really do miss my smile, I used to have such a big one.  I miss expressing my JOY with out having to think, oh I better not smile and laugh too big, cover my mouth or some one will see how messed up I am.

Moving on..

This morning Zane and Annie left for Church Camp.  They are so excited! They about forgot to give me a hug good bye!  Sophia and Lilly are upset.  After Zane and Annie left they kept waving out the window saying good bye and we will miss you and then Sophia started to cry, I mean really cry about it!  So my older two are gone until Tue.  Today is also our church picknic. Josh has to work today so he will miss most of it.  I have to catch a ride with friends from church, cuz no way was I getting up at 5:30 to take him to work, and then leave in the middle of the picknic to take him.  So that is why I am online, killing time.

The last few nights I have ventured into to chats, something I rarely do anymore cuz there is sooo much junk.  Even in the Christian rooms, you may be in a wonderful conversation and disruptuers come in.  I have been very blessed to found a few new friends and a room that for some reason has become attack free!  I remember now why I love to chat so much in those rooms.  For fellowship, and praising the Lord together with other brothers and sisters and also for those times when some one comes and they are truely seeking and asking questions.  Nothing more exciting than bring a new person to the Lord, seeing it click for them for the first time.  Really there is no better HIGH. LOL but I know this is what has gotten me in trouble before and I have to remember Balance. lol

I will get lots of pics today from the picnick and may post them.


  1. Have fun at the picnic! Anxious to see the pics. God bless, Beckie

  2. Awww...don't feel too bad about the tooth.  I kind of like the hockey player story!  I don't take care of my teeth like they say I'm supposed to because I have this irrational fear or phobia thing with the dentist.  I can't even go in for a cleaning without breaking out in hives and ending up in tears.  I have no idea what causes this...I've had no bad experiences with dentists.  But because of that I don't go.  And if that makes people think I'm crazy or means I have to get dentures by the time I'm in my 30's...oh well.  I'd rather deal with it later than to go through the dentist visits now...ick.  If I could just get them to completely knock me out from the time I got to the parking lot until I was safely at home again...I might be able to handle it then!  LOL.


  3. Have fun on the picnic.  As for the assignment, I didn't/couldn't do it. I was in a marriage for 18 years to a man who HATED me reading. Now, I read but, it's usually light fluffy stuff! I admit I'm bad now!!! LOL  I do have a long reading list of books though.



  5. Church camp? Those lucky little kids. I feel bad for the little ones not getting to go. But they will have their chance.
