Friday, February 4, 2005

Greatest American

I went and nominated who I thought were the greatest Americans.  My number one pick, some one you only hear about for her work in the fight for women to have the right to vote but also known for her pro-life values.. Susan B. Anthony.

I also put Abraham Lincoln, Mel Gibson (he was born in the U.S. and is a citizen), George W. Bush, and Billy Gram.

Go nominate who you think the Greatest American is or was and also tell me in the comment section who you picked and why. 


  1. George Washington!  He kissed the Bible at his Inauguration and then led Congress to a worship service for Jesus Christ!  I guess you could call him the "King David" of the USA with his battles in war and love for God.  I believe it was Dr. Kennedy preaching about this last weekend.

  2. Thanks I ll check it out. Lori
