Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Blue and Gold Banquet

Last night I got to use the new tripod Josh got me.  NICE!

The Blue and Gold Banquet was fun and I am so proud of the boys and all their hard work. They worked all year long to earn their God and Country pin.  Just one more year before they move from Cub Scout to Boy Scout.  There was a bridging over ceremony at the banquet but I didn't get pictures of it. I mostly left the video recorder on the tripod recording and snug in a few shots of our boys.  This was the first time Josh let me take a picture of him in  his leader uniform. Who would of ever guessed that I would of grown up to marry a Boy Scout? LOL  I really hope Zane will continue all the way up to Eagle Scout.. good on the collage applications and scholarships! *wink*

We got to take home a lot of the balloons and I swear by tomorrow I am going to pop them all.  The kids are driving me nuts with them!

I went to Wal*Mart today and finally got ink for my printer and printed out the essay I wrote for that contest.  I never would of thought it would take up three pages! Doesn't seem that long in the journal.  I am going to ask to read it at church tonight.  So I am off to change into the new out fit that is my Favorite Color. YOU KNOW.. I loved this color before it became the new pink and it is very annoying that every one loves it now too! LOL At least it is more available for me to buy now.


  1. Love the pics. they all look so neat in thier uniforms. A tripod on your camera also makes less blurry pics too. It also allows you to take family pics if you have a timer setting. That is neat. You can pic your day to dress up and make a pretty setting in your home or out side and you can snap the pics and choose in your own home on your own time what you want. Lori

  2. really nice photos!  Congrats to the boyscout! :-)

