Tuesday, September 30, 2003

More poundering

We are Spirutal Beings haveing an earthly exsperance, NOT earthly beings looking for a spirutal exsperance. This is NOT our HOME. That comment was made at the retreat and I had to write it down so I could think on it more deeply.  We are made up of three parts, patterned after God.  We are body, mind and spirt(soul). God: Jesus(the body) the Father(mind) and the HolySpirit(spirit).

If this is not my home I should remember that and not act as if I love this place so much and would rather be here than home.  Like those who are Ambassitors to forien counrtrys, they live among the people of that land, but they remember where they are from and long for going home when thier job is done.  I should not let the things of this world suduce me and make me forget where I really belong.  Living with God is going to be so much sweeter than anything I can exsperance here on earth.  Being face to face with him is going to be so awesome and like the song goes "I can only Imagine" but I know the promise is there will be no more tears, no more pain.  It will be compleet perfection, because no sin will be there only God who is Perfect.  Perfect Love, not selfish love.  Here on earth there are so many things that fight for my attention, to direct me away from God.  So many things to give into that my flesh would love to dwell on.  But a new van or trendy closths pails in comaprison to what I will have when I get Home.And its ok that I do not have the perfect shape or am the most Beautaful, God thinks I am wonderful the way I am, and when I get home he will give me the perfect body then.  The things in this world will pass away, but my relationship with God will be Eternal!

1 comment:

  1. very enlighten information, my first time reader into the Jornals yours was by far to my throughts God Bless & keep you........jh
