Sunday, September 21, 2003

Show me my heart O'Lord.

Tonight was women's group at church and it was just the fellowship I was craving! We had a good study and talked about the retreat that is coming up this weekend. I cannot wait! Even if it is just one night away it will be the first time all to my self with no KIDS or HUBBY for as long as I can remember. This years retreat's theme is "Jars of Clay" quoting the scripture Isaiah 64:8 "Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are the potter. We are all formed by your hand." Makes me think of that song "Potter's Hands"One of my fav. worship songs! "Mold Me, Use Me, Fill Me, I give my life to the Potter's Hand"          Our study tonight was titled Beware of Cold Love/Bitterness *God deals with the quality of our love. We read scriptures dealing with cold hearts and bitterness and not forgiving as the Lord forgives. (if you would like the scriptures e-mail me) Heavy subject. One I have examained before but always good to come back to. I will have to pray on if I do have any bitterness in my heart still and ask God to deal with me on it.  But off the top of my head I can not think of anything I have to be sour about, but you know some times things are revealed in prayer that you never knew was in there.  hummm.

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