Wednesday, December 3, 2003


Back from the Doctors and the plethora of running I had to do today.  Still have to go pick up hubby from his apprentice school and drop off a Christmas Wreath at the In-laws.

The Doctor Visit went as I pretty much expected.  Annie does have Impetigo and Sophia does have an ear infection.  So I did have to drop over $100 on their meds.  We will get rebursted at the end of the year by the ins. company but still OUCH!! And YES, I did go and get handstairlizer lotion for each one of us to keep in our jackets.  LOL.

I took all three girls with me, but only two of them are sick.  Lilly is the healthy one.  In the waiting room she was so cute!  There was a little boy there and he was just one of those kids who can't be consoled for anything.  He was throwing a fit over a chair he wanted to sit in but his mommy made him share. Lilly the sweetie she is tried to help out.  She offered to share her chair with him. She went to give him a hug (but I told her not to cuz of germs) She brought him a book to look at.  She even said to his mommy that "My mommy sings to us and rubs our back, maybe he would like that" What a sweet 3yrd I have!! I told her how proud she made me, by being helpful and nice to that boy even if he was upset, you showed him love.  That is how we love our neighbors like Jesus asks us too do.

Awww "And a child shall lead them"


  1. We have a serious outbreak of Flu here in Nevada. The Health department is recommending that we all WASH OUR HANDS as much as possible. Hope the "Liitle ones" are better soon. Lilly sounds like a real loving doll. Apparently Mommy is teaching her children well. Regards, Bill

  2. You are teaching her well hopefully they are doing better... How areyou does anyone every ask you that? How are you? .... terrance
