Wednesday, December 22, 2004

I am Blessed

I kind of burned out yesterday and didn't get as much done around here as I wanted. Yes the clothes are still sitting there to be folded but I did sweep the floors and dusted a bit but mostly I vegged.  I did get some more wrapping done (not that I had all that much to wrap) and let the kids help with that.  It is not easy wrapping a heavy round baking stone but it still came out pretty nice.  I am not the world's best gift wrapper, unlike Big Amy who will take an hour on one gift just to make sure the creases are perfect and no tape is showing LOL FREAK!

Josh had his Union Hall meeting/Christmas Party to go to last night.  This is a thing where spouses are NOT invited. Since his dues are all paid up till next month he qualified for a Christmas Gift. That was mainly why he went, he says.  He was hoping for a sweatshirt with the union logo on it, like last year but he got a nice heavy duty flashlight instead.  Funny because Zane also came home from his Scout Meeting with a flash light last night.  Like Father, Like Son... lol

My son the Brain was watching Nova on PBS in my room as they explained Quantum Physics and The Theory of Relativity and also this new theory call the String Theory and with that you can rectify the equations for both Big things like Stars and Planets and small things like atoms and neutrons but how there was no way to physically prove it (yet) so there was some back and forth if it could be called science or philosophy.(check out the link for more) And also with this theory there are ten dimensions and chances for parallel realities? I tried to watch it with him and be into it but I wondered out into the living room and watched a cartoon with the girls.  Zane came out of the room to tell me excited that the host of tonight's show was an Oxford graduate and that must mean they teach Quantum Physics at Oxford.  (May I remind you ppl that my son is 10yrs old).  I can now see that Zane may be torn in two directions WHEN he attends Oxford between Literature and Science.

So I had in one ear Zane going on about science and Oxford and the girls telling him to be quiet so they could watch their cartoon and in my other ear Josh on his cell telling me how the party went and all the news going around, he was on his way home.  Then I noticed a truck pull up in my drive way... "Who is that!" I wondered out loud and everyone got quiet and held thier breath till I went to see.  It is odd that some one would just pull up in our drive way and we was not expecting visitors (normally ppl call first).

It was Kathy & John, my friends from church and all thier kids and also Tracy from chruch.  John was carring a big box.  "What are you guys doing here??" I asked from the door as they walked up to the porch. "Oh we was just out and about and close by.. here this is for you" Kathy said with a big smile as they came in.  I was kinda stunned and embaressed.  I am the kind of person that if I know company is coming over I want the house to look perfect, but since I was a bum all day I had baskets of laundry out and some boxes that needed to go out to the trash sitting in the kitchen (oh that is another story for later) but all in all the house wasn't in that bad of shape.. but still.

Apparently they had been out all evening delivering food boxes from church and this one was for us.  Ham, fixings for a nice dinner, bread, eggs, mac n cheese, all stuff we needed. I told them THANK YOU and that it would help very much since my sister was coming in with her kids for Christmas.  Kathy also snuck a bag to me with wrapped gifts for each of the kids.  I havn't really talked to Kathy and John in awhile and we missed church last Sunday, so they asked how we was and where we been and John also complimented our tree and asked where we got it from and more small talk.  They insisted they couldn't stay long that they needed to get home and off they went. It was awkward in a way but not bad.

Truly and in all honesty, we needed the food and the gifts for the kids will be wonderful. Really a blessing.  God knows how to keep us humble and thankful.  I try and not get down and worry about money and stress over it, but we had a very space dinner last night before they came and I was wondering what I was going to do till Friday when Josh gets paid.  People who are in need will not often come right out and tell you they need help, either from pride or not recognizing that they need as much help that is available. I guess I am one of those people. No, we are not currently on any government programs, but I am sure we could qualify for something from them especialy in the winters but I prefer to let God take care of us and trust him and not use taxpayers money. *teary eyed*  For the last few years we have been on the other side of the blessings, the receiving side and not been able to bless and give to others as we would like to do.  What I have learned is not to be prideful.. i.e.. I can do it on my own and don't need charity from you thinking.. That other people are blessed when they are giving from the heart, and that it is not taking advantage of some one if you truly need it and there are people out there who do give just to give and not expect something in return. Giving is a blessing and also storing up rewards in heaven.  Also Jesus said what you have done unto the least of these you have done unto him.

I just can't wait until it is our turn to be the givers and bless others.  Josh is so close to becoming a Journeymen.  We knew going into these 3 years of his apprenticeship it would be hard but also that God was going to grow us and work on us, a faith building and testing time. I prayed when we went into it that this is the fire and I expect us to come out shinny and refined by the end of it, for God to great things in our life. I am not sure how shinny I am, not quite there I think, but God has done big and mighty things in our life!


  1. Your story is very touching, as always.  

    I know that when you have the opportunity to give the way you want to, you will do so abundantly.  Just remember, though, that you do give in your own way through your talents and prayers and friendships, and it blesses many ...more than you could ever know on this side of Heaven.  

    You may not have a large amount of money in your pocket book, but you are one of the richest people I know.


  2. You are SUCH a blessing. God has been using your journal to bless many people, including me. Merry Christmas . *Barb*

  3. awwwww GOD does care and sees our needs. HOw wonderful that you got that special blessing this season. That is what its all about. I know its hard to take but your time will come to give. We took for a short while too and now we give. What comes around goes around and your turn to give will come I know it will. See God gave you guys two flash lights becuase he was showing you the liight of the holidays. Then he sent some light yoru way. HOW awesome waht a beautiful picture. MAN if you was my neighbor you would not worry I would fix you food and keep you fed. !!!!!!!! Lori

  4. We're broke too. I've been hitting a few journals..think everyone is broke. Things will look up. Ronnies mad at me because all he wanted for christmas was something from the ironworkers union like a sweat shirt or keychain or something and I forgot to order from the magazine. But to be honest 15 bucks for a key chain and 25 for a dumb tshirt. LOL no way.
