Wednesday, December 8, 2004

That wasn't too painful..

WOW! My hair looks dark in that pic.  Must still be from when I dyed it a few months ago.. I think it is safe to try for a lighter blonde now? Don't you? Back to my normal color lol

Anyway.. I got threw that interview at that temp agency.  I was there practically alllll day and I missed my doctor's appointment.. note to self, call them tomorrow to reschedule... oh and e-mail the lady a thank you for the interview ( I read that somewhere).

We ofcourse over slept! Was there any doubt that we would? LOL Plus he kept me up later than I had planned...

(((((((I LOVE MY HUSBAND)))))  We got up at quarter to six, when the plan was for five.  So Josh kindly agreed to skip school this week and make it up some other time.  Oh, that made my life so so so so much easier!!  So I didn't have to drive him all the way to school and I didn't have to drop the girls off at Amy's and I didn't have to worry and fret if Zane and Annie got off to school ok.

I made it to my appointment on time, despite my shaky getting off point this morning.  I even followed the driving directions to the letter, shows I can follow directions (when I want to) and I didn't get lost. I got in and filled out a ton of paper work and also took a bunch of tests on their computer programs. I was a bit nervous over that.  For the office skills portion there was a bunch of math and spelling correcting and proper punctuation.  I think I did ok on the punctuation but for the spelling and math.. well needless to say I scored low on that compared to my other tests.  I was singing the praises of Pat's Grammar Corner when it came to proper use of apostrophes.. at least I know I got that part right.  But on the rest I am thinking.. NO way in real life would I do that in my head, calculator would be my best friend and also that is why we have nice things like auto correct and spell checker. Yes I know, lazy, that is how people get dumbed down and what a hypocrite I am, when I make my son work so hard on his math and spelling lol but that is different.  To quote my mother "Do as I say, not as I do" at least on the education stuff. I did real well on testing in the Word program and my typing skills (I knew I would) but I was real low on the 10 keys (I knew that was one of my weak points too). I have to give myself a slight pat on the back for testing well on Windows 2000, since what I mostly work with is XP.  They are basicly the same with just a few changes here and there.  I had never done a mail merge before and that was on the test. But it was sooo simple to figure out.. now I know how to do it for my Christmas cards .

OH YA! That reminds me JESS, I got your card today! THANK YOU!

The interview section went really easy I think.  She didn't ask any of the hard ones I had practiced last night, but I am sure at one time or another I will need to answer some of those. The lady seemed to like me, please I hope she liked me, and very understanding that I am re-entering the workforce after four years of being a stay at home mom.  I felt so at ease that I even asked if she thought the $10 an hour I was asking was typical for an entry level position and she said most of the jobs they send people out on start at that. So that is a relief. She said she will send me some links to thier tutors for excel and for me to work on  my 10 key stroke, but other than that I did well.

Ok so the next step is she is going to check my references and back ground and all that fun stuff that you pray you can trust the people you put down.  Then she will call me.  How it works is I am employed with them, but I still have to apply for and interview for the jobs they send you out to.  She said for the most part it is temp work, with a start date and a definite ending time but there are times when a company will hire you on permanent.  I don't mind that.  It would be neat to work at different places and not get board with the same scenery but I do need something consistent.

I want to thank all of my friends who commented on my hair & suit and sent prayers and love my way! aww you make me feel so special!

Also I think my husband has a thing for the power business women look lol I promised him I wouldn't repeat the comment he made about the suit, but he knows what it was!  All I have to say in response to it.. Heck no, then I would have to iron it and get it dry cleaned!


  1. i am so glad it went well, and you are so welcome for the Christmas card. =D sending blessings and love, jess

  2. LOL funny about your hubby LOL glad it went well. Hate that you missed your appointment for the dr though Lori

  3. don't you ever put that gorgeous hair up. i would kill for hair like that. you are beautiful mary..brianna agrees with me.

  4. bc for real! you looked great as a business woman! who says a working woman can't be sexy!! WOOO go mary! let us know how the call back goes.



  5. Yay you sexy Momma u!

  6. glad all went well and shame on josh wanting to take advantage of my baby that way lol

  7. woohoo, love your photo Mary!  ~JerseyGirl
