Monday, January 19, 2004

FYI People IT IS MY BIRTHDAY, Where is my card from you???!!!! lol

Many things I would like to put down here but I am still bumming over that aol phone thing lol  I thought if I put most of it on that it would save character space on here.  Anyways.  Annie is doing good with her cookie sales.  Over 130 boxes so far.  We went out Sat on GoDay but it seemed all the houses closet to us had been hit already.  Annie was getting discouraged I could tell, plus it was raining!  Then we went over to a sub division by a friend from church's house and we got like 10 houses!  Sunday she took it to church with her and ofcourse everyone who loves us ordered from her. Then we went over to Josh's dad's house for dinner and she went around their street.  IT WAS LIKE GOLD!  It is an older subdivision and all the scouts had grown up so no one had come around to them yet.  Sigh, if it was not snowing and soo cold we would of done more than that one street, but I think she is doing perty well for it just being two days into the sales.

FYI today is my B-DAY.   I am the ripe old age of 27 today.  Ever closer to 30.  I was telling a few ppl at church yesterday that my birthday was Monday and they guessed how old I was going to turn. I am so depressed now.  One said 32! and some one else said 29. UGH. Josh assured me that it was only cuz of the kids they guessed higher.  I have four of them and my oldest is 9, not many 27 yrds have a kid that is 9 or four kids for that matter.  Then on my surprise cake from Josh's dad and step-mom they had the right number on the candles but I tryied to play it off, OH I am just turning 26, you messed up.  Nope didn't work.   So today is the day of my birth and as usual nothing special.  We are always so broke on my B-day.  But my kids are sweet, and made me breakfast in bed, and later hubby will make me a cookie cake.  More to come later today on my reflections of my B-day.

1 comment:

  1. WHOOPS! I'm on it! :-) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Honestly, I also thought you were older, simply from the way you "speak." Don't feel bad though, someone thought I was in my 40's! LOL! Card on the way! :-)

