Wednesday, September 8, 2004

busted by my 4yrd!

I don't do it often, because I think no way is some one that FINE and how nice it would be to have a real pic of him but today I found myself gazing at a pic on this boy's blog. Ya, ya, ya I know... why do I torcher my self lol but it was nice to think of him this morning for a few min. and let that heat warm me and bring color to my cheeks. I have become better and better at not doing such things, so I have to give myself a pat on the back. As I was doing this and thinking on the words he had posted and me wishing I could give him at least a big friendly hug (ya right) my 4yrd daughter walked up behind me and stood there. She saw the pic on the screen and asked "WHO IS THAT!??" (she had that same goofey smile I did) " Oh, he is just some boy honey, why? He is kinda cute huh?" She giggles and that makes me giggle. "Is he going to come over to our house??" *sigh* "No, I don't think so, why?" "Does he have a girlfriend? Is he going to get married??" why is my 4yd asking such things? "Why hon? Do you like him?? LOL DO YOU WANT TO MARRY HIM??? LMBO" and she gives me the same blush look I would of if my mom had asked me about a crush "Mommmmm... NO WAY.. YOU should marry him!" I am about to die now.. "NO baby, Mommy is already married to daddy but you can wish to marry him one day lol" (I am not allowed to wish those wishes anymore) "nooooo he should marry some other girl then, he is CUTE!" and she walks away.. DAMN! Out of the mouths of babes as they say


  1. awwwwwwww how cute litttle ones are so cute. WEll yup your busted. thats for sure. LOL But I wont tell on you LOL SO who were you looking at???????? Lori

  2. LMBO LORI~  I'LL NEVER TELL!!! Infact I shoudl delet this whole entry lol but I wont.. keep ya guessing..

  3. That is too funny!  

