Thursday, February 12, 2004

my oldest friend, best friend, sisters by choice

Consuelo is the oldest friend I have.  I have known her since I was like9yrs old.  She is the first friend I made the very first time we moved to Vegas.  We lived across the way from each other in an apartment complex. I was so shy and had to be coxed off the couch and away from my Jem cartoons.  Even though she is a few years older than me we became close friends fast. Got her into playing with Jem Dolls hehee, ofcourse if her older friends ever found out about it she would of been embarassed to no end.  I was the Jem doll and she was the Raya doll. We sang the songs together.  As time went on and I hit my wild child years she was always there, the voice of reason.  She would tag along on my adventures as my protector, so she says lol, but really I dont know what I would do with out her, she was my rock back then, even when I didnt want her to be. Now that we are all grown up we live so far apart.  She missed out on so much cuz of distance but we would always catch up on the phone. Last summer was the first time I got to see her in like 6yrs. She was in an accedent and with the money she got from that she was able to fly out to see us finaly.  It is so special, you dont even know, that I get to spend her 30th birthday with her and her family. She is the kind of friend you always want by your side, even when you dont agree.  Just thought I would give some back ground, you know I will keep you all updated.


  1. eww i dont know what is up with that pic, something got on it along time ago. This is about the best pic I can find of her and me together with out digging threw all my pics and scanning. Boy how we have changed since then lol.

  2. all my old pictures have stains because years ago when they were all in boxes and my daughter to to them she spilled a glass of something on them I"m lucky I even have what I have. You and your friend remind me of my daughter and her old friend. They were insperarable for a few years and then drifted apart. How wonderful that you still keep in touch. I thought that was cute that she still liked playing games with you. She might have been older but still just a little girl herself.

  3. If we all get thought life with finding ONE really good friend, we have to thank God for that. She sounds like a treasure. : )
