Tuesday, November 2, 2004

My morning pep talk from NaNoWriMo! I need it!

I did start yesterday.. but it is a slow start.  Life gets in the way ya know and then I fell asleep when I was taking a break. Word count to this date and hour in time: 485  (that is like maybe three paragraphs.

So until I reach my 50,000 word goal by Nov. 30th  I may be doing a bit less journaling here.  Your encouragement is much needed friends.. I already feel like a hack.. a fool.. a shallow pool of ideas.. I can't even think of any more neg. verbs or is that adjectives (been forever since I had an English class to use those terms).. to call myself.


Dear Writers,

And so NaNoWriMo begins. Thirty-three thousand writers from two dozen countries. The largest literary force ever unleashed upon the unsuspecting month of November. 

Over the course of the next thirty days, we'll produce more prose than many professional writers manage in an entire year. And we'll emerge from the month with a not-horrible manuscript, heaps of novel-writing experience, and the power to charm and impress attractive strangers in cafes with passing references to our literary masterworks.

If your brain is anything like mine (distractible, easily confused, prone to fits of procrastination), it's going to love the upcoming high-velocity workout. And you'll be absolutely astonished by the things your imagination comes up with when you put it on the spot. Bookish plots will appear. Complex settings will materialize and expand. Listless characters will rise up, steering the story towards twists and turns you never could have anticipated or planned.

It sounds too good to be true, I know. But I've seen it happen to thousands and thousands of people. Because it turns out that writing a novel doesn't take a great idea, or a miraculous gift for pacing or dialogue. It just takes dedication. And a deadline big enough to injure a water buffalo.

As we face that whomping thirty-day deadline together this month, I hope you'll keep two things in mind:

1) You are awesome. Whether you recognize it or not, you are a tremendously powerful literary force. Currents of creativity run so deeply through the human condition that the central problem of writing is not a shortage of inspiration but an overwhelming surplus of it. Make writing a daily part of your life in November, and your novel will take care of itself. No sweat.

2) We're all in this together. This month, let's take care of one another, and go the extra mile to keep other Wrimos around us motivated and on track. Whether you spread some friendly encouragement on the forums, in local groups, on in one-on-one writing sessions with friends or family, be sure to reach out with kindness whenever someone is struggling. And should kindness fail, reach out with a sharp stick or other prodding device. 

Whatever works, really, to make sure that all participants experience the spirited highs of Week One, as well as the face-squishing lows of Week Two. To ensure that everyone get the opportunity to gaze out on the pleasant, verdant slopes of Week Three, and experience the champagne-drenched, finish-line mayhem of Week Four.

We could walk alone to that finish line, sure. But the real joy of the journey comes from tackling the challenge together. In spending time writing loudly, sharing our weird plot developments, character epiphanies, and noveling breakthroughs. And -- after one long and productive month -- raising our voices in a mighty, combined roar as we celebrate on the far side of 50K.

So let's get writing! November is upon us, and the great adventure of NaNoWriMo 2004 is officially underway.   

Best of luck, everyone!



  1. I'm a WriMo, too, my first year!!!  I'm so excited!!

    Best of luck, I know I'm gonna need a ton of it ;) ;) ;)


  2. Hi Chris!  I want to thank you so very much for the e-mail and encouragment.     You have a wonderful gift of hospitality and I look forward to e-mail, comment, and IM's.  I am not for sure what you will be doing in November but I will keep you in prayer........Blessings Catherine :)   (I went ahead and linked your blog to mine @{;-)  

  3. Wishing you much success and joy as you tackle this challenge.  The first time I heard of it was from Danielle, and I have to say it is rather ambitious.  If you love to write, this is sure to do the trick!  Hugs!!!  Anna
