Monday, November 1, 2004

The weekend re-cap.. Camping!!!

Be sure to click on the pics View Larger button.  It will make looking at them nicer and I have them aragned in scrap book style with a nice background.

We had alot of fun and I am gald I didn't make Josh cancel due to the lice and clean up issues.  Amy didn't come and do my hair so Josh had to do it when he got home.  I let him cut my hair (he didn't want to) so it would go faster.  I will post pics of that later.  Let's just say my head is alot lighter and cooler now.  I do belive we got all the bugs and nits and we caught it just as they came into our home. gurr still it was a pain in the butt.

We got a very late start due to Josh having to do my hair and then pack all up.  We didn't get to the site till about 8:30 and it was already very dark by then.  The Bentlys was there first and got us a good spot in the Scout's Reserve section.  The Ortegas didn't come till much later, we was already asleep and a storm had just went threw.  A LOUD STORM! but it was all good baby.. we had our rain flys up and all our stuff put away and wood covered in plastic.  We was prepared.  Sophia would not sleep in the tent with the other kids and instisted on sleeping with me and Josh in ours on our air matress... needless to say we didn't get much sleep.  The weather was not bad at all.  For Oct you would think it would be alot colder but it was almost spring like.  60'-70s during the day and only down to the 40's at night.  We was really blessed that way! Thank YOU GOD!

Josh went all out and cooked us breakfast on Sat and Sun.  And the boys had to make lunch in foil packs for their family on Sat.. it was for a merit they was working on this weekend.  All turned out very yummy. But when Josh cooked there was alot of clean up lol.  We went on two hikes Sat.  The easy one after breakfast and then after lunch a bit harder one around the lake.  All very beautiful landscap.  Josh and the babies stayed behind for the last one.  Sophia was two faced this weekend. Sweet one min. and then throwing a big tantrum the next.  She is 3! I thought we was past the terrible 2s??? Lilly was good and charmed everyone ofcourse.  She really conected with Chris' Aunt Cecilia and her BF Dave.  When we was on the first hike she would always make sure she was close to them and sat by the fire with them at night.  Cecilia gave me her e-mail addy so we would make sure to keep in touch.

It was a really nice weekend.  Went by too fast.  I am glad we went since we had not gone all summer.  It really makes me miss our old friends that we don't talk with anymore, they was the ones who got us into camping in the first place.  I miss sitting by the fire and BSing with them.  Everyone on this trip went to bed early so it was just me and Josh by the end of the night enjoying the last embers of the fire.  The moon was sooo birght, like a flash light to guid us back to our tent.  It would of been perfect nookey time but we had Sophia with us lol and I told Josh ahead of time none of that since it was a Scouting event.  I wish Josh and I could go camping just the two of us but that will be next to impossible I think.  But I so do enjoy these family camps and the memories they make.  By the fire when it would pop and embers would fly up I told the girls that is how Fairys are born. lol Ofcourse we gave them the more tec. reasons but I also liked making the story up and every time the fire would pop and the girls would look at the ember fly up up up and say "LOOK A FAIRY!"  Ofcourse we all had the traditional smores and we had a weenie roast too.

The bathroom was so far away it was a hike in of its self.  I had to take the gitrls many many many times. My legs are somewhat sore but I don't mind.  If we did this more often I would be in awesome shape lol.  Ohhhhhh and I am glad the others brought thier dogs! They stood gaurd and kept the coons away at night.  The racoons was terrible!  So very bold they would come to our site when they thought we was not looking when we was sitting by the fire.  We had to scould one of the kids for feeding one a marshmellow!  Chris's older brother brought his sling shot and was shooting at them to get them to leave.  Later when I was laying Sophia down in our tent I could hear one behind our tent in the leaves and he scared Sophia so bad I had to get out of the tent and shoo him away.

Well if I am ever going to start my book I better wrap this entry up. Can't belive it is the first of November already! 


  1. Those are some beautiful pictures. It looks like it was cold. I want to see the hair.

  2. I love these pics. NOW See here is an excuse to come visit us. To go camping and camp with new camping friends. I Love that pic of the dog you know that. I love all these pics. They are aswome gladthe weahter was nice htough I wasg riping cuase it nots suppose to be this time of year this warm. Lori

  3. Hi, I want to thank you for visiting my blog.  When you are first starting out and you read so many excellant blogs you begin to wonder if you are in the right place in "Journal Land"?!?!  I truly enjoy your blog very, very much and the fact that you are a Christian, loving Jesus with all your heart and you believe in the power of prayer is so comforting to me.  I know there are alot of us out there. :)  I look forward to B2B and making new friends and reading all of the blogs.  Bloggers have so much more freedom than writing essays in collage and I like that.  I know you are a voter so lets cast our vote with pride in the good ol' USA and be confident that the Lord has everything in His control!  Blessings :), Catherine,  

  4. LoL u know the entry is going to be good when it starts off "We got a very late start due to Josh having to do my hair" sorry about the lice (EeE) but it sounds like your trip was a good time!

  5. Looks like ya'll had a great time on the camping trip.. great pictures!! :) Melaney
