Saturday, November 20, 2004

Sure! Now it works!

Finnally!!!! I dont know what is going on with the uploading thing for the FPT space!  I upload a song.. it dont work. Several times.. with differnt songs.  So on a lark I picked this one from the Cold Mountain CD.. not even the song I really want but it is pretty. I was org. going to put Neil Diamond in. awwwww.  Kentucky women in honor of my friends in KY *wink* or Solaimone or Shilo... I have a health collection of his songs cuz my mamma raised me on him : )

Oh well, enjoy.  I don't think I am going to monkey around with music for several days!


  1. oh man cold moutian was so soooooooo soooooooo sad. Lori

  2. Sorry you didn't get to play the song you wanted. Frustrating, isn't it? Neil Diamond is one of my favorites too. Hope you are having a nice weekend. Hugs * stuff. *Barb*

  3. Just change the names of the songs. Not the whole code. Just hightlight the name and change it to the new one you uploaded and makesure you delete the last one you had. Three songs is all ftp seems to hold

  4. I haven't had any trouble with my FTP space .. knocking on wood here!  But, I don't put music there.  Didn't realize I could.


  5. kara had to do my music for me and sometimes i still don't hear it but oh well, i'm grateful to her.  i love neil diamond too.

  6. Me again,  Maybe you could help me some time with my picture.  I don't have a clue in getting my picture in my Blog.  So far, all I have is a little box with an x.LOL
    Love, Catherine  :)
