Monday, March 15, 2004

Sending Hollywood a message

It is harder and harder to enjoy going out to the movies as a Christian. Face it there is mostly just filth being put out, even the ones being marketed as family movies, Cat In The Hat, for example.  One of many reasons I wanted to see The Passion Of The Christ in the theater was to send a message, I WANT TO SEE MORE MOVIES MADE LIKE THIS ONE. Letting my money speak.  And reading this article it seems like some maybe.

"You can't ignore those numbers," said Mark During the weekend the film took in another $31.6 million, increasing the total box office to $264 million in nearly three weeks, according to Exhibitor Relations, which tracks ticket sales. Johnson, a veteran film producer. "You can't say it's just a fluke. There's something to be read here."

I for one think Mel Gibbson should be blessed with what ever he takes in from making this movie.  After all, no one wanted to make this movie and he put his own money into it.  I will write more on this movie.  It has been a week since I have seen it and I am still soaking in what God wants me to get from it.


  1. It is an amazing film and I agree with you. I do hope that he will invest some of that into future movies and ministries.

  2. oh mary...wasn't it so powerful? i saw today how much money mel gibson himself has taken in and it was alot and i'm glad. he deserves it. it's been weeks since i went and seen the movie and i'm thinking of going back. i know i'm def. buying it when it comes out on dvd so madison can see it when she gets older. i'm so glad that so many ppl have went to see this movie. it has touched many and i think that is awesome. i'm still trying to deal w/ all i feel from seeing this movie.

  3. I have yet to see The Passion. I think I will wait till it comes out on DVD. You are so right about most of the movies that are made. It's getting harder to find family friendly films to see. The G rated ones are in my sons words "toddlerish" LOL and he has no desire to see them, but the PG and PG-13 have crude humor that I don't think is funny at all. It's mostly all junk. ~lila~

  4. I always thought mel gibson had something special about his his way

  5. We are still trying to get in to see it. Our movie houses are sold out. The Manager said by next week there should be matinee seats available. He gave us a pass. I am really looking forward to having my beliefs reinforced. My Regards, Bill.

  6. Amen! God works in mysteriuos ways, huh? He was there with Mel at the making of that movie and sitting in the seats next to everyone that sees it. I pray that the Holy spirit intercedes and helps bring many people to God through this movie.
    God bless, Beckie
