Saturday, March 27, 2004

Urgent Prayer request

My friend Amy called me this morning.  Her cousin had committed suicide lastnight.  Please pray for her family.  Her Aunt's name is Ann.  She is not of good health as it is and the docotors had told her to avoid stress at all costs because of her heart condition. Ann is a very devout Catholic so I am sure she is thinking her son is in Hell right now.  He may very well be for I don't know if he was a Christian or not. I always say though, We never know what happens the very last seconds before death.  He may of very well called out to the Lord and is with him.  Pray for this hurting family, they are very angery and upset.  Suicide is very selfish, it hurts everyone who is left behind.  He had children too.  It is too late to pray for the one who killed himself, all his choices have been made, but pray for comfort for this family and that some how God will have some good come from what is ment for harm.  Thank you friends.


I just figured out how to add pics from hometown to my journal entries. kewl.


  1. It is always sad to hear somebody died. But suicide leaves those left behind with unanswered questions. Will definitely keep family in prayer. Enjoy your weekend.
    God bless you, Barb

  2. So sorry mary how very truly sad! : ( i'll pray!

  3. So sad. I know God is also mourning the loss of a son and father. I will pray for the family. God bless, Beckie

  4. Sorry I haven't been able to visit your Journal but I have been pretty busy and as you know time goes by fast. You're been writting some nice and interesting items and Im glad Im able to come visit again. All is well with me and my son and and I'll be updating my Journal soon. I hope to return more often then I have.
    Take care,
    John G.
