Friday, October 29, 2004

ABP Group!! and some oldes but goodies.. plus funny pics : P

Totally digging my shower cap!  Pink with frillys on it.  $3 @ Wal-Mart.  I think I do look like Grandma from Little Red Ridding Hood.  Eww I need to pluck my brows and nice zit!  Zane, poor,poor Zane...he really was wanting his hair to be long and spiky and we go and shave it!  I totaly scolded him for saying Skin Head.. he didn't know what it meant, just that he saw on that old re-run of Grace Underfire, Grace saying we are not skin heads to a couple who thought she was racist and then her son enters the room with a shaved head. 

We have spent over $200 with all the crap we had to buy for the lice and new pillows and pillow cases and new brushes for everyone (no more sharing! or playing beauty shop with MOM's Hair!) and all the stuff for camping too! 

AOL By Phone User's Group

Some examples of me using ABP on my Journal:

Happy Birthday to my Son  

Josh (my husband) on Candid Journal (a fave of my loaly readers lol) 

Me confessing to Josh about candid journal  

My Voice Greeting to J~Land for the big 1 year anversery!


  1. Hi!  Thank you so much for visiting my Blog.  I am looling forward to meeting new friends and learning how to improve my blog as a club member.   I love your content and all the bells that you have, I really enjoyed your blog.  I'll be back :) Catherine.

  2. OH Man I Hope you got rid of them I itch even thinking about them. Public schools seem to get them alot. I have friends in and they always got them. Its common now days. but hard as heck to get rid of . YOu feel like you want to fleea bomb your whole house!!!!!!!

  3. Yikes! Sorry about the lice situation! What a mess that is to get rid of huh?!

  4. You look soooo cute. Poor zane he finally get to have some hair and he has to shave it all off again. Don't you remember the marathon of combing your hair after treatment when we lived in neenah. You hated it then too.  Hope the camping trip is great

  5. OH poor zane. But it will grow back soon. But poor zane. I think all the girls should have shaved their heads fair. Poor zane. LOL Okay I will stop. Sorry you had to dish out all that money for the stuff. oh that sucks so bad. The picture of the big bad wolf cracked me up you are so funny.
