Monday, October 11, 2004

A moment for my beloved wine glass...

I forgot to add in that last entry the story of my wine glassess.  It is not like I have NEVER had any wine glasses BUT they keep getting broken.. this is why we only have plastic cups.  My kids and I are like clutses.  My inlaws know I like wine and lol they got sick of drinking wine at my house out of cups I think so for Christmas they got me set of four of these hand painted wine glassess (idea for Nadine here hint, hint).  I have them put wayyyyy up and only use them sparenly.  Yesterday was the first time I had used them all summer I think.

Well after dinner Josh made the kids do the dishes.  And sadly Zane broke one of my new wine glasses.

Let's have a moment for my poor dead beautiful wine glass.


You will be missed.. you fit your purpose even if you was only used like 3 times.  You brought me much Joy and I promise to take care of the glasses you have left behind.

as I pack up the trash bag and take it out..


  1. May it rest in piece with two of my new mugs from my set of six.  

  2. Hey there!  First of all, thank you for all of your comments that you have left in my journal. Second, those are very pretty wine glasses, and I am sorry for your loss. But I know how that is.  All I have in my house is plastic glasses too! I have some special glasses, but I hardly ever have them out.  Talk to you soon.. Much love Ann

  3. LOL at Kara's comment ... I'm sure it's resting in PIECES with her items and my glasses from Mexico, sigh.


  4. I cannot tell you how many of my special glasses got broken when my children were younger and we had people in and out of the house. Now it is just hubby and me. No more plastic glasses. Well....perhaps when all the grandchildren stop by. LOL   Hugs *Barb*

  5. ah but you know at a jewish wedding they put the glass in a bag and break it when they get married. they save the peicies for posterity. SO i fyou put it in a bag just tell people you ransomed your beloved glass for a wedding mazel tov and wished the couple happy life Lachiam TO life. Lori

  6. Much love to ya Mary
    Please check this link out

  7. lovely photo, sorry about the wine glass, but there's something to be said about drinking a glass of wine in a glass instead of a plastic cup!  Just seems more relaxing :-)
