Thursday, January 27, 2005

Questions from the book Forgiven and Set Free, A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Women

Here is a list of questions from the book Forgiven and Set Free that the post aborted women could ask her self to see if she needs healing.  If you know some one who may find this helpful, share it with her and if she answers strongly to some of these questions, encourage her to seek Post Abortion Counseling.

1. Do you find yourself struggling to turn off the feelings connected to your abortion, perhaps telling yourself over and over to forget about it?

2. When abortion is mentioned in public, do you find that you react physically, e.g., tightening your stomach muscles, clenching your jaw, or holding your breath?

3.Do you find yourself avoiding books, magazines, and television programs that deal with the subject of abortion? Do you change the subject in conversation that deal with abortion?

4. Are you affected by physical reminders (babies, pregnant women, baby clothes) of your abortion? Are you uncomfortable around children?

5. Are there certain time of the year you find yourself depressed, sick, or accident prone, such as the anniversary date of the abortion or the month in which the baby would of have been born?

6. Are you resentful and unforgiving towards anyone for his or her involvement in your abortion? This might include parents, boyfriends, husbands, the abortionist or friends.

7.Are you in a situation where you could find yourself faced with another unwanted pregnancy?

8. Do you find yourself rationalizing why you are better off without that child in your life today?

9. Has your attitude towards relationships changed? Do you find yourself avoiding relationships or becoming more dependent in them? Do you have difficulty with intimacy?

10 Did you begin to use drugs and alcohol or did you increase your intake following your abortion?

11. Have you experienced periods of prolonged depression? Do you have suicidal thoughts?

12. Have you experienced any peculiar reactions- hearing our baby cry, nightmares, flashbacks, hallucinations- relating to the abortion?

13. Have you felt a vague sort of emptiness leading to a deep sense of loss?    

14.When talking about your abortion, are you overcome with sorrow, anger or guilt?

15.Are you compelled to conceal your abortion from certain people in your life or are you compelled to tell many people about your abortion experience?

16. Do you find yourself striving to makeyour career, education or relationships succesful to prove the abortion was the right choice?

17. If you have children now, do you smother them with your love or overprotect them? Are you unable to boned with the child or children you have now?

18. If you do not have children, do you fear that you will never be able to have them? Do you fear you may have suffered physical harm as a result of the abortion?

19. Did you stop growing emotionally after your abortion? Do you find yourself repeating harmful patterns?

20. Are you denying yourself anything to punish yourself? Do you struggle with eating or other disorders?

21. Do you tend to look at life in terms of before and after the abortion? Has your self-esteem changed?

22. Are you preoccupied with the subject of death and dying? Are you preoccupied with thoughts of your aborted child?

23. Did your relationship with or concept of God change after your abortion? Did it bring you closer to God or turn you away from him?

24. Are the memories of your abortion more painful than the actual experience?

After finishing the questionnaire, you may be aware of other areas in your life that have been affected by your abortion. Record any other areas of your life that may have been affected


  1. I am so glad they make books like this. I think it would even be good for those who are even thinking baotu it. Just to show what thoughts come after nad needs to be dealt with after. Lori

  2. This was very powerful....excellent questions.


  3. How do you come out of the closet with this issue? My church is offering this study and listed who to contact but I am scared too. Scared of what they might think,what others might think.. I had trouble with several of these questions. Any help would be appreciated.
