Monday, January 3, 2005

Will my Maddness ever end??? Ha Ha

This is on my updated profile page!

To my horror as I was adding my pics I found I had dead links on there. awww!!!  Well no fear, it is fixed now. I also added an embeded song.  Yes I got lazy and just did the same one that is here, but eventualy when I feel like uploading more I will change it as well.

  Go... NOW.. Check it out!



  1. going............

  2. i like your homepage.  i liked how you got your nickname: hunybea.  it's too cute! you have a sweet hubby.

  3. ah I like this too. very creative. Hey guess what we have the new dog got it a day early. We changed her name immediatly. lOL GUESS what. ???????? She is striped Like my Sasha Dog and so there for looks like a bee. black and yellow striped. Shes sweet as can be so we named her Honey bee. Becuase she looks like a bee and is sweet as Honey. LOL so we call her HONEY most times. LOL baby just was not it for her. Lori
