Tuesday, August 3, 2004

About Message Boards..

I really am not into Message boards and only occasionally read them but almost never post on them.  LOL why should I? I have this soap box right.  Well, after posting on one about Creed and Scott's new song I was looking around.  I wound up on the Abortion Message Boards.  I found what was an old thread but with my one little comment it came alive again.  Re: If I had an abortion The beginning post was commenting if She would ever have an abortion NO ONE would ever know about it.  And that ran into many other posts with replies.  All I posted was:

 I did.... Remembrance

I just left a link to my webpage that I made along time ago about my own experience.  I have written in depth here on my views on abortion and all the research I have done myself and also the healing process God has taken me threw. If you are interested in those, go back to Jan. posts.                  


I wasn't surprised that my post got negative replies but what I WAS surprised was at all the name calling, and mudslinging that came from some of these supposedly educated and intelligent ppl. There was maybe one I could see myself sitting down with and having a conversation with any substance but other than her the others opposite view posters was in attack mode. I was civil and even respectful in all my posting, even if I disagreed.  I had some say I was a nut job that needed counseling and professional help, and some calling me a liar, and questioned if I even really had an abortion and that PAS (post abortion stress) was a myth.  I guess this is normal on message boards??  Don't have something intelligent to say, attack the comment with masked vulgarities and deny, deny the opposition may have any valid points? 

This is my last post to a response and final one I think to that message board:

>The fact of the matter is IF you really DID have an abortion

Yes, I can see how really intelligent this board is, where the best they can do if they disagree with your opinion is call you a liar or call names to make a point.  Is that what you are really about?? I have been very respectful even when I have disagreed.  I came with honesty of what I had experienced, what I know many, many, many other women have experienced and because you don't like the truth you trample all over that with mudslinging.  Where is the concern over a women and her health, physical and mental that you so like to put in your slogans??  Just because you close your eyes and ears doesn't mean it hasn't or isn't happening or make my position and experiences any less valid.

My only reason I posted in the first place was I felt I had a view point some didn't, I actually had an abortion and know many other women who did and know first hand what a horrible choice it is and wanted to warn others.  I am sure someone who was supposed to read it and it was like seeds planted.  Anyone else here post on message boards?? What is your thoughts on them and your experience with them?


  1. I've posted before and prefer not to do it. I'd much rather use my journal. Sorry you experienced the negative side. I'm sure there's a positive side too. But your journal does a good job for you. Truly! LOL

  2. yes hte message boards seem to bea  place of lots of anger if you dissagree or much turmoil anyway. I have only looked in twice. Thats it. I dont feel I have the time to be there with all the journals I read. Maybe in the winter. I did not even know there was such athing till a few months ago. Lori

  3. I used to do a lot of work counselling girls/women who have had abortions, as well as trying to talk girls out of abortions.  And there were many who came against me with vicious attacks.  And then someone finally told me the reason.  It was because those women who attacked were ones who had had abortions themselves, and could not think that what they had done could have been the wrong thing, so they became very vicious.  Many of them have guilty consciences, many want healing, many just can't deal with what they did.  I thought about this and it makes a lot of sense.  If they only could know the Lord's forgiveness for them, and come to Him, they could be healed.  They would never forget, but they could be at peace and forgiven.  And good for you for posting.  We need more brave people like you. -Krissy

  4. Mary:
    Every message board that I have ever posted on and it's not been to many. Have had the same attitude that you got. If you posted and they didn't agree with what you posted it's was attack. So I finally quit reading the message boards.  I figure like you. That The people who used the message boards couldn't hold their own in a real conversation. So they attack. Life  is hard and stupid. And people need to learn to control their tempers.(need to follow my own advice.)

  5. Lots of people use the message boards to show the worst sides of themselves.

  6. Hi Mary,
    I think you are very brave as well. It takes alot of guts to get out there, into places were most of the posts are from kids who dont have a clue what they are talking about. I used to read them, I dont have an moment for them anymore. No one can ever be decent. Our journals, are obviously from adult people who have had life experiences, and want to bond. Instead of making people so upset. You had this experience, because God knows you can handlt it. He sends his warriors in, with a kind heart. Thats what you are - dont ever change girl I love ya! Glad I found you!

  7. This is an important issues and I will get to it in a second, but first let me thank you for your warm and amazing welcome back to J-Land.  =-D You have continued to be in my thoughts long after I "left" and were def. still in them as I made my decision to come back. I attend church every Sunday ... but this has just been recently, and I do it for my family, but it has been a lovely experience in the process...and, there are just tons of things to share with you about everything.  We must chat soon =-D But, now to your very important topic - I felt you did the right thing, by making it known you had an abortion - things work mysteriously, and I have no doubt you have inspired someone with your story...perhaps someone who doesn't even post on the msg. boards, just reads - as you do...etc.  I never post on message boards, though I used to be a big fan when I was about 12 or 13...and that was only on the Mariah Carey msg. boards LoL.  But I've missed you, hopefully we can talk a lot more.

  8. I'm so sad that you got such backlash....I think education is key......you did what you did when you were only 15, now you are older and want to share your experience.......you shouldn't get the backlash for it.  Even if you reached but one person, you made a difference, you know?   So try not to feel too badly about some backlash on a message board.....

    My own mother tried to talk me into having an abortion when I was 19, but I didnt'....just couldn't......and that baby is 16 now, and a great kid.  Your rememberance tribute is beautiful.  I'm sorry you went through so much pain and loss at such a young age....


  9. Unfortunately, you do run into some pretty foul people on those message boards. I had one that e-mailed me after I posted, not to politely disagree, but to berate me and call me names, and me a total stranger to him!! When I attempted to reply to his remarks, I found that he'd put a block on my screen name. Coward!! It just goes to show what kind of person he is. But, that's HIS problem! I prayed for him.

    Sorry to hear about your abortion experience, but God knows of your remorse over it and He has surely forgiven you. Turn to Him and He will heal you as well. You can take comfort in knowing that your unborn is with Him and that the two of you will be together one day in eternity, if you keep your faith in the Lord.

    My first trip to your journal. I like what I see and you seem to be a very sweet person. Thanks for visiting my blogs. I'll be back.

