Thursday, August 12, 2004

Blessed beyond the Grandmother's curse? A story for women with daughters. And MY DAY...

That last entry makes me think that maybe my mom is getting her revange on me with my own 3 girls lol. and they arn't even teenagers yet.

Annie has a sports bra she used to wear for wrestling.  Today she choose to wear it, and I guess that is fine, I have no problem with that. To be honest it is probly a good idea.  Scarry to say it but my 7 yrd is already starting to bud as they say. She is very big for her age, most ppl dont even think she is only 7 but 10 the first time they meet her. I never sat down with her and had a conversation about bras and boobs or the proper editcit and all that. Me thinks it is time for that.  As I said she choose to wear it, but she didn't tell me, my son did.  "MOM, Annie is wearing her sports bra!!! That is for wrestling only isn't it?"  "Zane?! How do you know and why do you care?!"  "She flashed it to me!" looking over at Annie and she is blushing.. "AnnMarie! Are you wearing your sports bra?" she shakes her head yes "DON'T FLASH YOUR BROTHER! OR ANY BOY OR EVEN GIRLS FOR THAT MATTER!  It is just like your undies, you dont show ppl those either.  They cover your private parts, and you KNOW the rules on that."  she blushes and we move on.  No big deal right? but this is just one instance, I havn't even gotten into about Lilly and Sophia yet. 

 ok imagin this booty dance and insert Sophia, only she is naked.  Almost every other day she will strip down and dance around the house.  I will turn around from doing dishes or some other chore and there she is again! Naked! Singing "Shake your booty"  And I scould her and re-dress her.  Where does she get this from!  NOT ME!  EVEN IF JOSH SAYS SO!  *sigh and shaking my head*  AND NOW.. my 4 yrd has *uhm* discovered herself.  I won't go into that, I know it is normal and not to make a big deal of it, my son and my older daugher went threw that faze also, but still, eww.    God Help Me when they become teenagers, because I am having trouble now, how much worse is it going to be when they are at that age?!     I know how I was, and I am bound and detemaind that history WILL NOT repeat it's self with my girls.

Anyways.. Moving on..

I woke up today as Josh was leaving for work, or actualy he Woke ME up.  He told me that I MUST do his laundry because he just was told he was going out of town tomorrow for work and he spouted off the laundry list.  Ya ya ya I say as I roll over and go back to sleep.  When I wake up I totaly forgot about the conversation, that is a norm, Josh should know better by now.  Anywho.. around 2 he calls me to ask if the pay check came in the mail yet and that he is on his way home, he has a ton of things to do because he wants to leave tonight. OH ya.. you need laundry.  So as I make Zane go out for the mail, I am scrambling to gather up Josh's work clothes and put them in the wash   So when Josh gets home to get his check I can honestly say it's in and almost done.  We had banter back and forth about if I should drive him or if he should take our only mode of transpertoin himself.  The job is in a city 2 1/2 hours away and he will be gone thru Tue.  You know I had things I wanted to do this weekend, but I can't get mad at him, he just found out this morning, that is the nature of his job. (what if this happen while I had a job???)  It was decided that he would just drive himself, save us the 40 buks in gas and me not having to drive back home late.  As I am looking at our calander I see that Josh had made a commitmit to go to the Leaders and Parents meeting for Cub Scouts and its at 7.  He ofcourse totally forgot.  I remind him and he gets frustrated but says he will go and while he is at that I should go out and do some quick grocery shopping.  So we do that, he gave me cash since our account wont be credited till tomorrow with his pay check (that is so frustrating).  I spend every cent he gave me on food, for we really needed to get everything and its hard to do that with only $45.  And as I am driving to go pick him up from the meeting I realize something and it pisses me off totaly.  Aunt Flow (if you know who I mean) has decided to come for her monthly visit!  And as ussal I am unprepared and more over I am mad because this will put a kink in the good bye I had planned with my husband!  I later tell him thisand he said, well I had yesterday and the day before and did nothing with him, why should today be differnt since he is leaving?  I should treat each day like it could be the last (ya, keep wishing baby)

So being that I spent all the money he gave me I had to ask for some more so I could go and get what I needed.  As I am at China-Mart I also look at the Mini DVC & DV tapes.  We are out of tapes for the camcorder and I need one (entry for another time maybe *wink at Kara*



??????  The cleak at China-Mart says absolutly no differnce, just in the name?  Sigh..

So that is my charming day...

Josh is gone and all the kids are asleep.  As always when Josh leaves for out of town I get that lonely void feeling.  It is differnt when he is gone all day, I know he will be home in the evening, but now I have to be with out his nagging and whinning for 5 whole days.  I dont know if I should party or cry.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Tracy and I had a good laugh at your story of your little girls. Which is kind of nice for early in the am. 6 am LOL Thats funny but Yeah i seewhy you worry. Rachael came dancing out of the house one day when I was having a yard sale (the busy time of it too) tottaly naked twisting her butt. Saying MOMMY I cant get my jumpah on!!!!!!! Could the child not have atleast put her undies on and could she not have atleast not did that jiggy dance out to me.!!!!!!!
    Yes bring that up to your huby what would you do if you were working. Most men have no idea how hard it is to find child care and pay for child care. !!!!!!! Its gonna cost you more in the long run from that and from you needing new clothes and you eating at work and not fixingmeals and more travel time and wear and tear on the car. Lots to think about. Just as you think you got extra money one kid issick and you got to stay home lost money plus medical. SO much  more. WELL aunt flo I hate her. I was finished with her last week. But this one was a  boooger right before campign trip. UGH!!!!!!!! anyay I love your little tampon thing that is cute. and probably true. Yeah tell hubby hes not thinking smart mouthing off to a woman on PMS why shoudl today be anydiffernt!!!!!!!!! The man just does not think does he??????? LOL Lori
