Friday, August 27, 2004

Expanding My Mind..Got to LOVE The Library!

Yesterday I finally made it back to the Library.  I had running to do and put it on my list.  We had a dandy of a storm here and it hit as soon as we got into the van to leave the house LOL always my luck.   But when we got to Library it had eased up a bit and we was able to get in the doors without getting soaked or the books we had to be returned wet.  Our books from our last trip was over due a few days and I thought I would have a nice size late charge (I HATE LATE CHARGES FROM ANYWHERE GURR) but it was only 5 cents a day so I only had to pay $1.85.  I had all 4 kids in tow with me on this trip.  They was so excited.  They have been on my butt all week to go and now I finally got off my duff and took them.  First I took Lilly and Sophia to the children's section. They wanted to grab everything off the shelves and look at them all in random lol.  We finally settled on some books with PBS charters.  I let Zane and Annie brows by themselves.  I made a rule when we left the house, the limit would be 2 books each kid.  But once you are there it is so hard to stick to it.  After the kids finally made their selections I went over to the music. I am so dumb when it comes to music.  I normally just stick to what I know from the soundtrack of my life and also Christian contemporary that I know will feed my soul.  But this time I wanted to taste something different, to grow a bit. I also wanted some mood music for my bubble bath later.

I looked in the classical first.  I didn't want something well known, I wanted something I never would have heard of.  LOL Plenty of that.  I was drawn to Berlioz Romeo et Juliette directed by Charles Dutoit (try saying that but I would butcher it).    I think its all French?  I cant read the inside cover lol.  But it is beautiful.

Next I thumbed threw the sound tracks from Opera.  Carmen JUMPED OUT at me!  We had gotten the Movie awhile back and I really liked the music from it.  mmm Italian..   My son who is a brain and asked us to get him the Opera Carmen at the end of the school year because he learned about the composer in music class.  I had never seen it and I wanted to fulfill my son's request ofcourse.  When we had gotten it and started watching it my husband about had a fit because it was kinda risque and wasn't sure it was something we should let Zane watch.  But Zane was more into the music than the story line lol.  So getting the sound track was also a goodie for Zane. And again, the inside cover is all in Italian so I cant read it lol.

My next selection in music was another Opera Soundtrack. George Fride Handel, Athalia.  I have never seen or even heard of this Opera but Handel sounded familiar because of Handel's Messiah and the Hallelujah Chorus (always a fav, I have the record) All the music I got are on double disks so I have sooooo much music to surround myself with for the next two weeks. 

 I wish I could really appreciate them and learn and expand, but I think I am turning into a simple country girl (thinking Grechen Wilson's song Redneck Women).  There is this big concert coming up that we want to go to called A Day In the Country with artist like Lonestar, Tracy Atkins(he sings one hot momma) and a bunch of others.  I think I need to stop listening to WIL so much LOL.  We probably wont go, but I can dream cant I?

After I got out of the music section the kids was getting kinda squirmy but I HAD too look for a book that a friend recommended a while ago.  I jumped on their computer to see if it was in or if I could get it on reserve but my mind went totally blank!! gurrr.. All I could think was the title was Something and Bones and it was written by a women author.  So I typed in a search with bones in the title and fiction.  The closet I could come to was Kathy Reichs Bare Bones.  So I went and pulled it off the shelf hoping that was the one.  Zane was over in the DVD and Video section wanting to get a movie.  BUT HE HAD ALREADY REACHED HIS LIMIT LOL but he reminded me I didn't say before that included movies (smarty pants!)  So I told him get something educational this time.  I browsed too.  They had A&E's Biography done about Stephen King, YOU KNOW I HAD TO GET THAT!  Zane got a tape and book series called Where There's A Will, There's An A and  Discovery Channel video about Inside The Space Station.  Zane said about that A video that he wanted to get it so he can learn how to keep getting good grades. (aww) The other day he told me "MOM I think one day I want to go to Oxford for school.  Where is that?" OMG!  I told him it was a very famous school in England where a lot of really smart ppl have gone to and you have to have very very very good grades (and money) to get in.  So I think that motivated that video selection.  God my boy is so smart, I really hope he can go one day like he dreamed.  I know he is going to be and do so.. so.. much more than me and his father could have ever dreamed of for ourselves.

When we checked out I was telling the Librarian about the Bones book and how I hoped it was the right one.  She suggest it may have been a book called Lovely Bones and DING, that rang the bell in my head.  Ofcourse that was it, and ofcourse it was out!  But I got it on reserve and in a month I should be able to read it.  If someone wants to read it with me so we can talk about it that would be cool.

So on the drive home I was determined to stop at the Liquor store to get some margarita wine coolers.  I have been craving one allllllllll week (thanks to the J~Land Ball) and I thought I would let myself give in to that.  One here and there isn't a sin lol.  But then the down pour started as I parked to go into the store.  I ran as fast as I could but I got so drenched!  I was wearing a white shirt too!  So it was no wonder the clerk was flirting with me as I checked out. *blush*  Made it back to the van where the kids was waiting and looking at their books and we had to sit for a good 20 min till the rain let up enough to drive.  I heard a country song that  made me cry, ofcourse I cant remember the title, but it was about a little girl who came out of an abusive home and about how the first day of Sunday school she saw a pic of Jesus on the Cross and she said, I know him and I know he got off that cross, because he was there at my house the day my mommy and daddy died, sitting with me behind the couch. *tears* If you know it e-mail me the title.

I wanted to add some of the music I had gotten and maybe some pics of the albums. But AOL music sucks! lol I came up empty when I did a search in AOL's MUSIC.  When I find my fav piece I will post a sample of it by ABP.


  1. I love that song too.I do not know the name...I also love the one about the little boy with   a dad who was not there for him he grows up he relizes Jesus was there for him.I never had a dad and that song will make me bawl.

  2. My uncle when he came for the fourth tuaght me how ot make the most wonderful marguritas that taste just like hte mexican resturant. I love them. So much better than teh coolers. yum and what a relaxing way to end the tnight. yes that song sounds wonderful. very sad. I listen to country and R&B and just about everything pop and all. I m well rounded/. Lori

  3. The name of the song (if you haven't already learned) is 'The Little Girl" by John Michael Montomery.
