Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Bits and pieces from last week

Alot of catching up to do here. lol I don't think I will be able to do it all in one day ofcourse.  I will try to stick to the major things.  The biggest one is my testimony.  When I sat down to write it I did not plan for it to get that deep and I surley didn't plan on bearing all that I did but that is what found it's way on to my computer screen and that is what I knew I had to share.  I read it all to those at church on Sunday.  I was a bit nervous ofcourse, but God was with me. I tell ya ppl there didn't know 95% about me and my past and now they do, and they still LOVE me.  Org. my pastor had planned on me doing it next week, but I could not sit on it and had to get it out, so he let me take some one else's place Sunday.  And it worked out just as it should of.  The right ppl where there who really needed to hear what God has done in my life and what he could do in thiers. If you read it, please leave your feed back!  And if it touches your heart and you would like to learn more about Christ, e-mail me.

Other events that happen.  I missed the Randy Travis concert for a Girl Scout function with my daughter Annie.  My husband got to go with our other 3 kids.  He said he enjoyed it but would never do that again with out me there to help with the kids. I kinda get mad about that cuz he was lucky to go and here he is complaining about it. oh well.  Also he sighed up Zane and Annie for Wrestling and for him to be a coach.  This was NOT cheap and let me tell ya, this is going to be a very busy winter for us.  I tryed to ask Annie if she would prefer taking dace over wrestling but no, she wanted to do it. lol It is not new for girls to be in wrestling, dont get me wrong, but I want her to be my girly girl, and here she is turning into a tomboy.  lol I will get over it.

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